5.5 x 6.5 1000w grow room checklist and help.


Well-Known Member
Hello Rollitup:)

I am putting together the materials for my 1st grow ever. I have a 35 sqft closet that i am hoping to put at least 15 plants in. I have a $1000 budget and am hoping to get a good system for that price for the size area i have to work with.

I have been looking at getting this "starter kit" b/c it seems to give me a good headstart on all the gear ill need to be successful.

I know ill need ventilation, mylar for the walls, pots, soil, and i was going to get some side LEDs from a buddy that will help with side growth. I have also heard that getting a humidifier would be good to keep the dry Arizona air at bay and to get particles out of the air. I have new fans and a new A/c to put in teh as well to regulate the temperature.

Im trying to tell as few Real life people about this room of mine, as a Vet with PTSD im paranoid about everything and want security to be a top priority, so i am posting from Kinko's as to not even use my Ip address lol>< That is why i am trying to learn as much as i can from the internet.

Am i missing anything HUGE? What if i end up with a few hundred left over at the end of construction is there anything big that i can get that will assist in yeidl and quality?

P.s. someone told me that 50/50 perlite and vermiculite was the best mix? but the someone else said thats terrible? ur thoughts?

Thanks so much in advance, i hope to share my 1st time with pics and a full step by step sink or swim blog^^ cheers


Well-Known Member
Carbon filters and fans going to the bathroom vent fan and to the roof of my place. will prolly make a t line and join the heat vents line and teh smell removal one and vent them both out of that same hole....is that ok?

How is that light kit for teh price?


Well-Known Member
If you are going to go with only 1 light in that space, I suggest a larger hood. You would need 2 of those lights to cover that space.

And yeah, hydro would be something to consider in terms of yield.


Well-Known Member
OK so i sort of changed my plan around a bit.
I am going with a 2-3 plant ScrOG in my bathroom,
Re: Wont have to cut holes on my walls for ventilation and power lines, Has A/c, Large vent fan, water in room, Its my first grow and having 2-3 plants to watch and tend seems easier/smarter than more plants.

i have picture but need to upload them when i find my camera cord lol.
Does that sound liek a better plan? Also is a box necessary for a scrog?

Thanx ^^


I just bought that exact light kit and it was definitely the best value anywhere online. My local hydro shop guy couldn't believe how cheap the whole kit was. One problem might be that the hood is maybe a little small...