4x8 grow room, should I use 2 or 3 400w hps?


Active Member
just wanna hear some opinions. will be my first grow. I have 6 ft of height. I wanna have plenty of light, if you all think 2 400w hps is plenty, then good, if you all think i need more i will put 3 400w hps in there. Please let me know thoughts. Strain is white widow, hopefully gonna flower 25 plants in there, they are DWC containers. Thanks very much people.


Well-Known Member
25 plants? I'm doing a dozen under 1 400watt. 2 would work but 3 would be optimal. How will you be cooling these lights?


Well-Known Member
I find it hard to fit 4 plants under one 400w and still get decent buds. Go with 3 600w instead. You won't be sorry.

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
Personally,I would go with two 600w fixtures with digital ballasts.From what I read the 600's are more efficient as far as lumens\light output per watt.Use the enclosed hoods with air intakes\exhausts on the ends that way you can daisy-chain your fans & ducting through both fixtures at once,makes it simple imho.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. 600w ballasts are about 10% more efficient than 400w ballasts.

400w= 137.5 lumens per watt
600w= 150 lumens per watt

Plus the increased intensity will lead to thicker buds. So either 2x 600 or 3x 600w will be best.


Well-Known Member
I have a 4x8 room for flowering, and i have 6 plants under 1 400w right now.
Im adding another 400w sometime in the next two weeks, when the money comes through.


Active Member
Thanks all for replies. 303 I was hoping with just 2 400 watters that I could just blow big fans over canopy and toward bulbs. You think that would work or its best to exhaust lights so that you can get closer to canopy?, Anyone. I have no experience thus far as this will b my first grow so how close could you get 400w bulbs to the canopy? thanks, peace...


Well-Known Member
Air cooled lights really are the way to go, especially in an enclosed are like a grow tent. It will help you
control your environment better. As for the 400w, they really will be inadequate for a space like that. You
are better off with at least 2 600w lights. The cost is not much different, but the light intensity and efficiency
will make a huge difference.
If you're really not sure what to do, then maybe you should just buy a smaller tent like the DR120, and go
with one 600w light until you get a feel for how far you want to take it.


Active Member
OK so now ive been thinking, think i will get a 1000 light to go in there, its what i will get eventually so why spend money on a 400watter, i will go straight for a 1000 hps and also have my 2 400 w lights in with it. that should get enough light in there. will order some new hoods to keep the heat down down. I am nearly done making my grow room. I might snap a couple pics show u what im doing and then i can listen to any advice and ideas u all have, i will need help... Think i will use AN's Sensi grow A+B, bloom A+B. Whats peoples thoughts,will that do the trick. thats probably all i will use i dont want to overcomplicate things its my 1st grow, I will be using DWC containers. Later...


Active Member
I am doing a grow journal for those that wanna see pics, in the general marijuana grow section, called Time to walk the walk. Please join me, later...


Active Member
I have 3 400w and I wish I would of went with the 2 600w instead. If you're gonna go with the 1000 plus the 2 400s on the outskirts, I think that would the best setup....


Active Member
Yeh skunkie, definitely gonna do the 1000 with 400s on the outskirts, check in with me as I go through my grow, I'll need all the help and advice I can get, called Time to walk the walk, in general marijuana grow section, later...


Well-Known Member
Yeh skunkie, definitely gonna do the 1000 with 400s on the outskirts, check in with me as I go through my grow, I'll need all the help and advice I can get, called Time to walk the walk, in general marijuana grow section, later...
that sounds like a plan...i was going to suggest that you go w 2 600s but since you already have 2 400s a 1000 in the middle will work wonders...deff look into indipendant airflow for the lights...you still have the heat from the lights in the room if you circulate the air in the room with the lights so even though you are blasting them with "cool" air the heat index is the same, granted that this is better than no airflow and more is better to as point(plants fly away...leaves rip...good luck....grow big and grow at home


Well-Known Member
jesus that is a lot of light, how big do you want your plants to get? and what yields are you hoping to achieve if you are just doing clones or something you really dont need THAT much light in there. i mean 1800 watts, why not just get 2 1000s?