4k watt medical


Well-Known Member
Hey, nice thread you got goin on for sure. Looks alittle cramped in there, but you'll manage with your army crawl. Lol I've done the same before I cant lie. I use overdrive right now only because I cant get my hands on the yellow bottle final. The yellow bottle is supposedly twice the product overdrive is, CG(collective Gardener) talks about it in his thread a lot if you want to read into it. It definally helps boost up your buds in the last 2 weeks. I've only used overdrive so I cant vouche for yellow bottle. I do notice though, if you use it too early it'll foxtail your bud, but if you do it right, the foxtails will explode into buds making your orginal cola twice as big. Theres a little trick to it ;)
lol yea i here ya,it is packed and cramp thats fer sure.had to move from my las place cuz i have to have a surgery and it come up a little before i cropped,really sucked and sucks presently,lol,but i manage..looks great my friend hope yu exceed yure xpectations,rdr.


Well-Known Member
thankyou guys for the kind words, and welcome new people to the thread!

i just got a MUCH NEEDED carbon filter .. its a 5 footer and its in the way for sure haha. im hoping to figure out a way to hang it next run.. i got the same 8inch inline that i use to cool my lights, its like 750ish cfm. i have it set so its sucking the air into the filter and spitting it out the top directly up. the guy at the hydro store told me this would be the most efficient way. bummed to say it still smells in there.. does anyone have any tricks or a more efficient way to scrub? i was thinking about buying a buncha ona bottles and sticking them everywhere but those things are expensive. im still running my ozone generator too, i think the bulb is wasted or something on it cause that thing doesnt seem to be working for shit. does anyone know where to get new bulbs for those? i dont even know where the hell the bulbs are on those things i just heard someone saying they should be replaced every 6 months ish.

the guy at the hydro store was trying to sell me on these shooting powders by house and garden.. 13 bucks a packet and a packet does a 25 gallon res.. i told him im going to stick to the yellow bottle this run and see how that goes. anyone find the shooting powders to be worth 13 bucks a packet cause that sounds insane to me?

insane mj.. thanks for the tip man. i did read cgs thread, thats the main reason i went and got the yellow bottle final. i remember reading that he said they will foxtail bad ruining your bag appeal if you use it too early.. so that tripped me out. i was thinking about starting it about quarter strength starting about day 45.. then raising the dose and using it until 56\flush. you think this is a good starting point?



Well-Known Member
thankyou guys for the kind words, and welcome new people to the thread!

i just got a MUCH NEEDED carbon filter .. its a 5 footer and its in the way for sure haha. im hoping to figure out a way to hang it next run.. i got the same 8inch inline that i use to cool my lights, its like 750ish cfm. i have it set so its sucking the air into the filter and spitting it out the top directly up. the guy at the hydro store told me this would be the most efficient way. bummed to say it still smells in there.. does anyone have any tricks or a more efficient way to scrub? i was thinking about buying a buncha ona bottles and sticking them everywhere but those things are expensive. im still running my ozone generator too, i think the bulb is wasted or something on it cause that thing doesnt seem to be working for shit. does anyone know where to get new bulbs for those? i dont even know where the hell the bulbs are on those things i just heard someone saying they should be replaced every 6 months ish.

the guy at the hydro store was trying to sell me on these shooting powders by house and garden.. 13 bucks a packet and a packet does a 25 gallon res.. i told him im going to stick to the yellow bottle this run and see how that goes. anyone find the shooting powders to be worth 13 bucks a packet cause that sounds insane to me?

insane mj.. thanks for the tip man. i did read cgs thread, thats the main reason i went and got the yellow bottle final. i remember reading that he said they will foxtail bad ruining your bag appeal if you use it too early.. so that tripped me out. i was thinking about starting it about quarter strength starting about day 45.. then raising the dose and using it until 56\flush. you think this is a good starting point?
sounds like you are not pulling enough air through your carbon filter. sounds like a huge filter. i would put it on it's own fan and just exhaust the air back into the room when you can. trying to pull air through the filter then a "Y" then 2 sets of lights drastically reduces the cfm of your fan. you would have been better off getting 2 little filters.


Well-Known Member
thankyou guys for the kind words, and welcome new people to the thread!

i just got a MUCH NEEDED carbon filter .. its a 5 footer and its in the way for sure haha. im hoping to figure out a way to hang it next run.. i got the same 8inch inline that i use to cool my lights, its like 750ish cfm. i have it set so its sucking the air into the filter and spitting it out the top directly up. the guy at the hydro store told me this would be the most efficient way. bummed to say it still smells in there.. does anyone have any tricks or a more efficient way to scrub? i was thinking about buying a buncha ona bottles and sticking them everywhere but those things are expensive. im still running my ozone generator too, i think the bulb is wasted or something on it cause that thing doesnt seem to be working for shit. does anyone know where to get new bulbs for those? i dont even know where the hell the bulbs are on those things i just heard someone saying they should be replaced every 6 months ish.

the guy at the hydro store was trying to sell me on these shooting powders by house and garden.. 13 bucks a packet and a packet does a 25 gallon res.. i told him im going to stick to the yellow bottle this run and see how that goes. anyone find the shooting powders to be worth 13 bucks a packet cause that sounds insane to me?

insane mj.. thanks for the tip man. i did read cgs thread, thats the main reason i went and got the yellow bottle final. i remember reading that he said they will foxtail bad ruining your bag appeal if you use it too early.. so that tripped me out. i was thinking about starting it about quarter strength starting about day 45.. then raising the dose and using it until 56\flush. you think this is a good starting point?
I had the same problem, not enough air flow for the filter to be working correctly. What I did is I got a 8" booster fan (supposedly 370cfm for $40), screwed it into the carbon filters flange, boosting the flow... Or as said above just buy a inline fan, stick it ontop of it and have it running all the time.. What kind of filter did you get? Some are definitely better than others..


Well-Known Member
He doesn't have it running through the lights...he's saying he's using the same type of inline fan that he uses for his lights. So its just the filter with the fan mounted on top....and its just blowing straight up out of the fan. Thats a pretty big area to be scrubbing...might need to get a bigger fan for it.


Well-Known Member
i see know. yea, if that thing is 5' then it's like a CAN100 or CAN150 maybe. I use to have a 100 and when i got it i tried to hook up an 8" fan and it just wasn't enough. had to switch to a 10" high output fan and probably should have gone 12". bigger fan or smaller filter is my suggestion.


Well-Known Member
With my 10 week strain, mid week7 I'll hit them with Over drive( I'd use yellow bottle if I could) about half strength with the normal pk booster at half strength. Then the rest of week 7 it's back to the regular feeding schedule then beginning week 8 I'll do half n half again for the first day, then the rest of the week overdrive same week 9. Week 10 flush flush flush. I hope that helps. Mind you cg said it's very potent so watch out on the dosage. Overdrive isn't as concentrated so I'll go like 4-5 ml per gal when I do the half n half.


Well-Known Member
With my 10 week strain, mid week7 I'll hit them with Over drive( I'd use yellow bottle if I could) about half strength with the normal pk booster at half strength. Then the rest of week 7 it's back to the regular feeding schedule then beginning week 8 I'll do half n half again for the first day, then the rest of the week overdrive same week 9. Week 10 flush flush flush. I hope that helps. Mind you cg said it's very potent so watch out on the dosage. Overdrive isn't as concentrated so I'll go like 4-5 ml per gal when I do the half n half.
this sounds like a good idea. i think im going to use it just a couple times 7 and 8 and see how she does. if it works well i might up the dosage next one.

thankyou for clearing that all up phish. ^^^ i do have a separate fan for the filter. the filter is an active air. the fan is an 8 inch, its about 750 cfms. my room is 12x14 with a 8ish foot roof. the filter says on it that it would work best with a 1000cfm fan.. im just an electric tight wad and wanted to save the 50-100watts. I think i made a mistake..


Well-Known Member
this sounds like a good idea. i think im going to use it just a couple times 7 and 8 and see how she does. if it works well i might up the dosage next one.

thankyou for clearing that all up phish. ^^^ i do have a separate fan for the filter. the filter is an active air. the fan is an 8 inch, its about 750 cfms. my room is 12x14 with a 8ish foot roof. the filter says on it that it would work best with a 1000cfm fan.. im just an electric tight wad and wanted to save the 50-100watts. I think i made a mistake..
that does sound like an oversized filter. i guess you should figure out which would be cheaper to replace? any chance you could return the filter for a smaller one?


Well-Known Member
that does sound like an oversized filter. i guess you should figure out which would be cheaper to replace? any chance you could return the filter for a smaller one?
the guy was actually trying to convince me to buy the one the next size smaller because he accidentally ordered 6 of them. i could probably go get a return if i had to. do you think the smaller filter would work better with that inline fan? i thought bigger was better regardless of the cfm, shows how much i know.


Well-Known Member
In the long run it would be cheaper to replace the filter probably....and I have personal experience with phresh filters...they work quite well.

Speaking of electricity...the power company just showed up wanting to fix my meter finally....no more free power =-(


Well-Known Member
In the long run it would be cheaper to replace the filter probably....and I have personal experience with phresh filters...they work quite well.

Speaking of electricity...the power company just showed up wanting to fix my meter finally....no more free power =-(
LOLOl phish this is a good thing!

so do you think i should call the store and say i need the smaller one? the smaller one claims to cover a 10x10. i just wanted to go overboard a little. i think they would be more happy to switch out the fan just because the filter is out of the wrapper and used. my buddy told me if i were to hang the filter in the middle of the room instead of having it sit on one side that it might work more efficiently. i just dont see how the hell im going to hang that beast. im like 23 deep this batch at the hydro store and the one thing i decide to go cheap on jussst fucks me. fml


Well-Known Member
Hang that SOB. Get some kind of hooks...and wrap a few straps around it to mount to the hooks to support it.
im going to see what i can do tonight. its going to take like 9 homies to lift that thing and hold it up haha
there is a solution to all of this..
plan... before you plant. ha

the doughnut eating pig next door told me he was moving out june 1st. i was counting on this for my smell problem haha. its the 24th and it doesnt look like hes going anywhere.. maybe ill go over there and see if they need help packing lol


Well-Known Member
get the smaller filter bro. that fan probably isn't reaching it's cfm rating anyway. the only fans i've ever seen actually achieve the advertised rating were CAN and Vortex. that fan can't pull air through the filter fast enough because of the surface area. i had the same problem. plus for a room that size you don't need a filter that big. i use a filter that size for a room twice the size of yours and i have a 10" high output fan on it. since you will probably be able to return the filter then i would get the one that is 1 size smaller if not 2. since you are only exhasting the air back into the room then you really only need to turn the air over once every 3-4 minutes. that would be a filter rated for 500-700cfm in my opinion. good luck dude.


Well-Known Member
update date day 45ish
the pics were taken all through the week, been real busy with this mess. i still am stinkin up the place, im over it at this point. i just dropped the temps a few degrees to try and make it a little less smelly. im going to get a 10inch vortex fan for the next one. crankin the ozone generator, im not sure if the smell is creepin out, i do a daily perimeter smell check, but i need a virgin nose. im getting a little nute burn still, connoisseur is some potent shit. ive used the finisher (yellow bottle) twice, im probably going to use it again today, and then start it daily for week 8. already noticing them start to "pop" and finish. the tall light really seems as its going to fuck my yield, i wont be messing around with those strains again until i got a bigger office even though they smell amazing. those are the maui' and the silver that are stretchin up the place. other then that everything seems nice, i havent sprayed anything in a week or so, no sign of mites yet.. hopefully theyre gone, but either way i think im going to finish web free, stoked.


Bird Gymnastics

New Member
update date day 45ish
the pics were taken all through the week, been real busy with this mess. i still am stinkin up the place, im over it at this point. i just dropped the temps a few degrees to try and make it a little less smelly. im going to get a 10inch vortex fan for the next one. crankin the ozone generator, im not sure if the smell is creepin out, i do a daily perimeter smell check, but i need a virgin nose. im getting a little nute burn still, connoisseur is some potent shit. ive used the finisher (yellow bottle) twice, im probably going to use it again today, and then start it daily for week 8. already noticing them start to "pop" and finish. the tall light really seems as its going to fuck my yield, i wont be messing around with those strains again until i got a bigger office even though they smell amazing. those are the maui' and the silver that are stretchin up the place. other then that everything seems nice, i havent sprayed anything in a week or so, no sign of mites yet.. hopefully theyre gone, but either way i think im going to finish web free, stoked.
Everythng is filling out perfect IMO. It's a shame about the burn but hopefully it won't ruin the flavor. I must say I love the quote in your room. That is what a old man told me when I was young. Refreshing to see others think the same lol


Well-Known Member
Everythng is filling out perfect IMO. It's a shame about the burn but hopefully it won't ruin the flavor. I must say I love the quote in your room. That is what a old man told me when I was young. Refreshing to see others think the same lol
i gave them straight water yesterday, hopefully that helps with the burn a little. im going to hit them with light nutes from here out. probably flush 5-6 days before i chop.
that quote helps me stay on track when times are tough. helps me think about the big picture. i do alot of smoking and thinking in my office haha.
hope all is good in your garden!