47 day flower - how much longer opinions needed


Hey all,

This is our first grow and just checking in to see how we're doing. We're at day 47 and it's looking to me like we're about 2 weeks out. We can see the huge numbers and shapes of the trichs up close with the microscope but not really seeing a color. They all still look pretty clear to me. According to what I've read and the kind of high we're looking for, we should wait until they are about a 30-40% milky trichs with a very small % starting to turn darker toward amber.

Here's some pics, let me know what you think.. I can be patient but don't want to go past prime. Thanks for all the looks and advice. Suite & family



pictures 1 2 3 and 6 all look like they are very close, i would probably start flushing them now. Pic 5 looks like it still has a while to go.