

Ok so this my 3rd time planting seeds..2ndtime going organic my 1st time going organic (which im not even close to being done yet so who knows might run into more problems) i had a problem wit gnat (so far), well i traced the problem back to the soil (gnats already in da bag when purchased) im not gonna throw da bag out cuz soil is good..any recamendations on how i should sterilize my soil b4 i plant my blue mistic feminized seedling?? I know i could bake but i live in apt n i dont want that smell cuz neighbors also i live HI n as of this post i cant find 1 place(i tried so many) that sell beneficial bug n no1 will ship over not allowed...thanks for any advice given!!! Oh 1more thing what u guy thing of the blue mystic? Am i gonna enjoy? Shootz


Well-Known Member
You might have better luck if the title of your thread was more than "?" Titles like that, and "help..." or "I have a question" don't make anyone want to click and read.

I had the same issue with Rootz Organic in bags. I added predatory nematodes with water to the soil in a garbage can. Let this rest for a week. No gnats. Here I am weeks later... no gnats. I much prefer to use a good critter to kill a bad critter. You can also use Mosquito dunks. That bacteria is only good for 1 shot, though. They don't reproduce so you'd need a few applications.

I'm also about to add Neem Meal and Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth to the top of the soil (after the plant are in it. Just a top dressing.

All of these things are completely harmless to the plant and the soil micro-life