420 Watt CFL Growbox Construction and Grow


Well-Known Member
Nice grow bro.... i grow with Cfl's two one thing i would suggest is make a seperate vegg box... because during flower you need to double up on lights.....and the plants look a bit crowded thats going to affect your yeild remember 5 plants in a confined space will yeild about as much as two or three with the same amount of lighting.... that box looks like it'll be good for sea or green get some clones off those plants put them to flower after about two weeks in vegg and youll gust get 1 foot tall nuggs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ther than that good growing bro

Joos Springsteen

Well-Known Member
Nice grow bro.... i grow with Cfl's two one thing i would suggest is make a seperate vegg box... because during flower you need to double up on lights.....and the plants look a bit crowded thats going to affect your yeild remember 5 plants in a confined space will yeild about as much as two or three with the same amount of lighting.... that box looks like it'll be good for sea or green get some clones off those plants put them to flower after about two weeks in vegg and youll gust get 1 foot tall nuggs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ther than that good growing bro
I'm looking for the females to show here in the next few days once that I've got 4 pots waiting for them. Culling the males will make for a roomy flowering area. I have been considering building a separate veg box so that I can take clones, but I think that will have to be the next time around. I was disappointed that I hadn't really gotten to researching scrog set ups before I started this grow because it seems to me that I've got everything going for a scrog grow other than the screen.

Good advice man, thanks!


Well-Known Member
its a process and each grow you'll learn something and probably add somshit to you box....... i made a bootleg vegg box cost about 15 buxx i just used the box that my tv came in cut it in half jammed a socket and splitter in it and its fine no fan no vents except the holes i cut in the top it stays about 80 degrees.....i only vegg for a month maxx so it works great got 3 plants that i started from seed and 2 clones......

Joos Springsteen

Well-Known Member
Using 1/2 strength Grow, Micro, Bloom system from Advance Nutrients, will move up to 3/4 strength this week. Feeding once a week, every other water. I am considering feeding every second water once I get to full strength, but I'll be playing it by ear and adjust on an -as needed- basis.

One plant has shown female, others have yet to show sex after 8 days of 12/12 lighting.

Temperatures hang around 79 with the lights on, several degrees lower in the darkness.

I've also added an activated carbon pad in anticipation of the aroma soon to be produced by the flowering buds. This hasn't appeared to have any noticeable negative effect on airflow or temperature within the box.

I'm continuing with the mixed lighting approach, however, I've switched two of the 6500k bulbs for as many 2700k bulbs.



Well-Known Member
dont you hate it when that happens take him out now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! motherfucker trying to rub his sperm on your bitches lol

Joos Springsteen

Well-Known Member
I love the exhaust fan. It is exactly what I need.
I bought a 30 dollar "inductor" inline fan, a roll of chicken wire, a 4 inch flange, a 4 inch end cap, and a replacement cord for a 120v AC power tool. I also added a junction box to the side of the fan as per the fan's installation instructions. After I screwed the junction box to the body of the fan, I duct taped everything else together nice and tight, wired it up, and ordered my carbon filter. The fan is suspended by a wire hanger I bent to fit my needs.

I suggest buying the next size up. I sometimes wish my fan was blowing a little more air, but you can avoid that problem by getting the 6 inch version or using a generally higher quality of fan.

Joos Springsteen

Well-Known Member
Pictures of the females!

I transplanted each female into larger pots once they showed sex. I would have liked to do it sooner, but due to the confines of my small cabinet, I couldn't transplant them all while still in veg; in addition the plants have taken some time to show, thus prolonging my wait.

Some pictures of pistils, LST results and other angles.



what problems did you experience with this cfl grow? How much was your harvest? How many did you fit in the box? Have similar setup running smaller bulbs but twice as many. What should I expect? Total indoor newbie.