420-Seeds.com ???


Well-Known Member
anyone know anything about these guys? they have good prices i just wonder about there quality and shipping to the U.S.


Active Member
Hey mixin.I ordered from them last sunday.Had my seeds in hand the following friday!I don't know if it was luck or not.I ordered 10 Thai X Skunk.So far only 4 have germinated though.So I would say their cust. service is good,ship times are good,but germ rate isn't great so far,but hey they could still germ though.I heard it can take up to 12 days so we'll see.I live in the US by the way,midwest to be exact.It's up to you whether or not to order from them but my experience was good overall.


Well-Known Member
attitude seeds orders shipped u.s. you will get your seeds, better selection than anyone on the i nter.


Well-Known Member
do you guys order with your personal credit cards and ship to your own houses? i want to be safe


Active Member
I did.The worst they can do is confiscate them at customs.Then they just send you a letter saying they took them.