400wtt MH convert to HPS?


Active Member
i found a cheap 400 bulb but unsure if its a mh/hps.

if its a metal halide can i convert it to a 400 watt hps? thanks


Active Member
can a 400watt metal halide turn into a 400watt high pressure sodium. im going to be vegging with 2x55watt cfls and then finish flowering with a 400watt high pressure sodium.

also the 400 watt bulb im going to buy just says 400watts. it doesnt say if its a metal halide or high pressure sodium


Well-Known Member
Why are you buying an unknown bulb? A metal halide bulb is metal halide only. You need an HPS bulb in an HPS ballast or an MH bulb in an MH ballast. If you want to use a metal halide bulb in an HPS ballast you will need a metal halide conversion bulb. If you have an HPS ballas a metal halide bulb will not work in it