400W HSP Cooltube in Cardboard

Hello Rollitup,

I'm about to start my second grow soon but this try I want to go all out.
I have a cupboard in my room which is:

Length: 110cm
Height: 160cm
Width: 55cm

Here is a picture I drew in paint (Don't judge me on it)
Design ardboard.png

Do you think that is a good design?
I plant on growing one plant using LST in it.

What do you think I should change?


Well-Known Member
you want a carbon filter on the other end of cooltube for the smell. also i would add another plant to it. apart from that it looks fine.


Active Member
Also you probably do not want to pull your intake air from the top, heat rises and cold air sinks.


Well-Known Member
I'm runnin a 600W cool-tube in a similar space, if anything a bit smaller, so you should be ok as long as the air you're pulling in is relatively cool. I'm growing one plant in the space as a one off grow but look to rebuild the cab and grow 4 next time. Hit my sig.

If i were u i'd have the intake coming in from the other side and get a carbon filter depending on where the air is being vented to. Also they say its a lot more effective to place a fan to blow air through the cool tube as apose to trying to draw the heat away, if you get me.