400w Grow tent - !st Time .

hey man i used those same pots, its like cloth yea? i didnt know that the roots grow through the bottom of those things, totally fucked me up and stressed my plants pretty good
just thought i'd share if u didnt know


Well-Known Member
If you get good quality felt pots, roots should not be poking through at all. The air that comes through the felt should be oxygen pruning your roots for you, making the root tips turn back into the soil instead of balling up on the side like they do in plastic pots.


Active Member
Took yesterday during night time of the saggin leaves. today I changed my intake to be running most of the time when during the "night" 002.jpg


Active Member
Hey those plants are fine. Keep the intake on all the time. A stuffy room isn't comfortable for anyone. Promotes mold too. Always keep all fans on 24/7. Except plain hood exhaust fans if you want. As for the drooping.. it is not drooping. Plants move. Their stems are like our arms. When there is light to absorb they face their leaf toward it for maximum absorbtion. When it is dark they relax and go to sleep. Trust me if you turned a light on in the middle of the cycle I bet they will pick up.Quit botherin' 'em when they sleep and the exhaust/intake fan should cover you. If you are truly worried about humidity and can't get equipment get Tru Blooms from Primordial Solutions. It will not let you get mold and when the bacteria die they feed the plant foliarly. Once every 4 days at lights off.


Well-Known Member
HAve had the fans on during night and have solved humidity issues.. Also leaves stay more upright then before
Good deal. I have my tent in my garage and i live in a humid region, so I have to keep my fans on 24/7....I have a controller that I use to dial down the speed when the lights are off just to save on power but they are still all on low. What's your humidity hovering around now? I had to end up investing in a small dehumidifier for my tent...not one that runs on a compressor, but an energy efficient one


Well-Known Member
Hell yea bro they are looking great! Nice lush green color; looks like you got the nutrients right on.


Active Member
Getting ready to install bamboo stick time.. I think.. May not need them but got them ready JIC.... Grew an outdoor plant 31" tall and didnt need a holder upper ..... indoor might be diff... either way I ready bitches. 014.jpg015.jpg016.jpg017.jpg020.jpg