400 wattt closet harvest... how much yield do u think?


Well-Known Member
Im fairly certain you got atleast 5 ounces there. Think about it this way an ounce is about a fist. So try and see and how many fists of weed you got ^^


Well-Known Member
hey i see you used bloom burst....how is that for flowering? what strength did you use it and frequency?

actually i did not use that this time

that was for my first grow
this time i used those

two organic iguana juice bloom and grow (DR,Hornby) advanced nutrients


Well-Known Member
:weed: the results are in

this is only my second grow
i used all 100% organic foxfarm soil
with advanced nutrients
iguana juice grow and bloom
by dr.hornby
and over drive week 5 and 6
also product by A,N

so total weigh in.....

juicy fruit - 28.7 grams
bubble gum kush - 34.3 grams
sneeze - 26.7
grand daddy purp 17.9 grams

almost all weigh in as and 0
but all together only 7.4 grams from a qp

total weight 107.6 grams

i wish you guys could smell each one mmmmmmmmm

so is that much pretty average with 400 HPS?
for having 4 plants?
or should i be doing better?

i wanted like 7 females but not so lucky only four.

but i have clones! =]

i just picked that scale up today
