4 weeks flowering how does it look.


Active Member
im 4 weeks into flowering and the strain im growing is unkown; bagseed. i was looking at other buds around the same time as i am and i noticed that my buds are puny.

im running 2 40 wat 5000k daylight florescnets and 3 23 wat daylight or warm white cfl's; im not sure.

no nutes, and i have 2 plants.

if anyone has any advice or waqys to improove im open to responces.


Well-Known Member
your plants look pretty good actually considering the amount of light you use and lack of nutes. if you want dankers nugs you're going to have to either use more cfls and fluoros or preferably switch to and hps light. even a cheap 150-250 watt hps will make a noticeable differnece.
another thing is the nutrients. to get the full potential out of your plants you need to give them some nutrients. you dont need to spend crazy amounts of money at a hydro store either. you can go to a nursery or home depot or something and get regular plant fertilizer. just make sure to start with a diluted mixture and work your way up so they dont get nute burn. for veg you want a higher nitrogen content, the first number, and for flowering you want higher P and K, the 2nd and third numbers, than nitrogen.