4 daus of balls.


Active Member
I think it's pretty safe to assume a plant that's been getting flowers for 4 days and dosen't show any pistils is a male right? They look a lot like balls I don't have a picture right now.


Active Member
I got some pictures up in my albums called 2nd grow, they may be too blurry to make out anything.


Well-Known Member
welll i don't see any pistils but it might be too early to tell. pic 9 looks kind of like a pollen sac, I'd give it a couple more days


Well-Known Member
taking another look it definately looks like balls, but you still might have a hermie plant. I'd still wait a day or two and see if any pistils show up


Active Member
taking another look it definately looks like balls, but you still might have a hermie plant. I'd still wait a day or two and see if any pistils show up
It'S ok if they are, I already got two other females going, so I'd rather call these early than ruin my 3 months old and I have a stock pile of over 300 seeds. I'll wait for a few more responses right now me and you think they look like males.