4.5 week Flower Pics


Active Member
Here are some pics of my friends first grow. Pics are of buds at 4.5 weeks of flower. What do you think? Biggest buds are about 2 inches tall and an inch wide. Hard as rocks.He is using some of the newest hydro methords.



Well-Known Member
That is looking very nice, for sure... Congrats to him... I've never gotten my buds to look that frosty. Looks like damn powder sugar over them beauties. Do you know the stain?
Good job!


Active Member
Not sure of the strain. It was clones from some nice plants that were kicking around here. Looks mostly Indica. However this grow was done using the new Cyco Flower A&B additives. It brings on the flowering process straight away and gives really hard heavy buds. Anyone else tried it?