4 100watt cfl startup questions...need help from the RIU gods...

Solar Flowered

Active Member
Just like what Joe Blows Trees said.. seedlings need little to no light until the first leaves start to poke above the soil. 90% of the seedlings first energy to pop leaves and roots is pre-stored inside the seed itself.

I am not sure about compact fluorescent lights.. but I know with 2 ft T5 strip lights you can have the foliage within an inch of the bulbs without any issues.

The current rig I use is made up of 4 Qty. 24 watt T5 2-foot bulbs on custom hanging mounts. Total lighting power consumption is about 96 watts. Hope this helps!


Solar Flowered

Active Member
That's pretty sweet setup for sure. I just use soil mixes to keep my mother plants going.. If I did an indoor flower operation I would tempted to go flood and drain myself.. Amazing results if done right.. ;)