3weeks Flower *Lemon* pics


So its week 3 as of tomorrow and i finally got a better camera so heres some decent pics. I just put in the fluorescents today they are just double bulb 3 footers with a 3000Kelvin rating. Now all the girls are in 2g pots except my bigger girl i put into a 4g pot, so whats the smallest pots they can be in for a decent yield???



Well-Known Member
2 Gallon pots sound fairly sufficent to me. If the plants are healthy, vibrant and flowering plenty then everything is fine. Which they seem to be. They look good.


Here is a great table I found for Minimum Container size:
Plant Age-------------------- Container Size
1-3 weeks-------------------- Root Cube
2-6 weeks-------------------- 4-Inch Pot
6-8 weeks-------------------- 2-Gallon Pot
2-3 Months------------------- 3-Gallon Pot
3-8 Months------------------- 5-gallon pot
6-18 Months----------------- 10-gallon pot

Try to know the strain your growing. Add the average flowering time of your strain to the amount of time you want to veg and there's your plant age. Try to transfer into the final pot before flowering.


Well-Known Member
if you have them use the five gallon pots or buckets (lowe's has them for 2.89 each). They will keep the roots from being too crowded and allow for healthy grow.