3rd Grow (Same Problems)


Well-Known Member
My humidity is always low. I'm in Colorado and it's usually between 20-30% in my grow room. It's actually 17% right now. I know it should be a little higher, but they don't seem to mind. I kinda do having to water so often, and I'm sure they might grow a little faster with higher Rh, but the buds seem to appreciate the low Rh.
Do as you wish. There is a science to growing plants. You post with a headline saying this is your 3rd grow and same problems, yet now you mention in your post that humidity is ALWAYS at 20-30% and it never caused you problems? Seems you're contradicting yourself, but it seems you know alot, so i will leave you be, good luck...btw, this is marijuana, not a cactus...15-20% humidity will cause you problems all the time! You're using rich soil, and feeding half strength...with such low humidity, the plant is sucking up too much water, too fast..the transpiration is not normal, and since your medium isn't dialed in, the plant will suffer, good luck!
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Well-Known Member
Do as you wish. There is a science to growing plants. You post with a headline saying this is your 3rd grow and same problems, yet now you mention in your post that humidity is ALWAYS at 20-30% and it never caused you problems? Seems you're contradicting yourself, but it seems you know alot, so i will leave you be, good luck...btw, this is marijuana, not a cactus...15-20% humidity will cause you problems all the time! You're using rich soil, and feeding half strength...with such low humidity, the plant is sucking up too much water, too fast..the transpiration is not normal, and since your medium isn't dialed in, the plant will suffer, good luck!
Haha. I didn't start the thread, I just responded to it. You are confused man, or just really high.


New Member
Next grow try a new/different grow space, i.e without a tent, and see if the problem persists. If not, then the issue is the tent itself.


Well-Known Member
One thing to check is the accuracy of your ph measurements. If you're using a ph meter is the probe and calibration OK? If your measuring device is off significantly you could be locking out nutrient uptake. I agree with adding cal-mag but I think there is something else that is out of whack. How is your medium drainage? Wet feet / root issues can cause all kinds of nasty issues.