3rd day of flowering help


Well-Known Member
i got six plants i put on a 12/12 cycle theyr 5 weeks old is it posible that some are showing preflower after 3 days and how long does it take for a male to burst polen if i dont recognize him in time and will i know its a hermie in the begining of the flowering or can i easely confuse him for a female or a male


Well-Known Member
First off chill out,you have more time than you think,take it slow & pay attention to your plants,in general males will show much faster than females,if your going from seed which is what i gather forget the preflower method,you have more time than that.

Get a magnifying glass from office depot to inspect the plants,this will also be usefull for keeping an eye out for spider mites throughout the grow.

Let your plants mature,keep an eye on them every day,the first thing to look for are the little male flowers,they will look like little egg shaped nuggets when they are very young,as they mature they will begin to look the way a bunch of banana's look sitting on the store shelf,all clumped together in a bunch,allmost the way that ripe catnip looks,when they look like this & start to form groups pull them.

Pollen release does not happen overnight if you dont catch them the first few days,you have at the very least a week once the pollen sacks form before any pollen will be released.

As time goes by & you spot more & more males this is a good thing,every plant that is not spotted as a male is an increased chance of being a female,the female hairs are nowhere near as fast to show as the male pollen sacks.

Every hermie ive had has started out as a kick ass lookin female,complete with fat little nuggets,all mine have turned from female to hermie within 2 to 3 weeks into the bud cycle,they started showing at about 2 weeks & stopped after 3 weeks,no more hermies were found throught the entire grow.

I'd say if you get a hermie at the very end of the grow to segregate him in another room & let him finish up,mine were so early into bud that i just dumped them.

Just watch them daily & you'll know the males when you see them,dont be in a rush to kill males as soon as you suspect them,wait until several pollen sacks form, just to be sure you dont make a mistake & toss a female,it's very easy if you take your time & dont rush.


Well-Known Member
right now its day 4 of 12/12 and my bigest plant sore looks like a female compared to the photos i saw on this site its about 1m high and bushy its an outdoor strain i started from a mix so i dont know the variety i wanted to separate the females from the males as soon as posible so i can revert them to veg. 18/6 and take clones .what is my best option.i have a noher one which looks like a female the rest i cant define yet is it posible that a female shows before the male.thanks for the last answer


Well-Known Member
right now its day 4 of 12/12 and my bigest plant sore looks like a female compared to the photos i saw on this site
Dude.... You are in day four of flowering. This process takes time.

its about 1m high and bushy its an outdoor strain i started from a mix so i dont know the variety i wanted to separate the females from the males as soon as posible so i can revert them to veg. 18/6 and take clones .
You seem to be trying to avoid hermaphrodites, yet you are planning to do everything you can to encourage it. What you propose is totally unnatural. The goal here is to mimic nature as much as possible.

what is my best option.i have a noher one which looks like a female the rest i cant define yet is it posible that a female shows before the male.thanks for the last answer
Wait. Just wait. Wait until you see pre-flower pistils. Then you can clone with confidence without reversing light cycles.

Good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice on my biggest plant i saw pistols the look just like on these pics on the site,what im wondering about if u can help me what is the chance that that plant is a hermie,would it look like a female in its 5th day of flowering that its now in or can i be sure its a female