3KW in an apartment


Active Member
I'm about to set up in my new apartment.

Here is what I am wondering. If I get CO2, can I cover all the exhaust leaks in the room and just run a carbon filter / fan inside every so often to cut down on the smell.

I just don't see how else I can do intake / exhaust in an apartment without cutting into the ceiling.

All thoughts / comments would be appreciated...thanks


Well-Known Member
as long as the fan blowing into the carbon filter can sirculate the air in the room faster than the smell can travel, it should work


Well-Known Member
Yea, I've wondered that. What do you guys do that live in apts? They don't come around my place to often and if they do, they give you three days notice. I got a small grow I'm attempting right now. I got three plants waiting to sprout.

I'm thinking I'll just hide them in the bathtub for the few seconds the maintenance people are there. That shouldn't be a problem you think?

wunshot, make sure to start a journal so you can update us when you start. I'd like to see what you're going to do.


Well-Known Member
put a door handle on your closet (if it is in a closet) that has a key lock, thats what i do, but my landlord called me and said he is gunna start showing my place since im not renting here next year, thats the only thing im worried about since ill have to leave the closet door unlocked incase the ppl wanna look at the closets, in which case id have to hide my grow every damn time he wants to show the place :(


Well-Known Member
Yea, I could do that, but when they come it's usually to inspect the sprinkler heads and there's sprinklers in the closet. ALL THE DAMN CLOSETS! :(

I could never attempt a big grow in an apt anyways. Oh well, I think I'll be alright with the shower idea - hopefully!


Well-Known Member
In your case I wouldnt risk it.. I lived in apts like that and the reason they did the monthly sprinkler checks was to fine people for stupid shit like room too messy (saftey hazard) or unsanitary kitchen. When you have people looking for trouble they will find it espeacially when you are creating it.


Active Member
be very very very careful with the smell bro...alot of apartments are connected on the same air vents. a buddy of mine got busted when he couldnt even smell the weed in his apartment. it floated through the air vents and went to his neighbors. id suggest an ozone machine...u can make one for 20 bucks or so.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I'm already hooked on all this growing shit, so there's now way I can turn back. Already spent a lil money on it as well. My g/f stays at the house 24/7 and shes been there before when they come. She will take care of my babies.



Well-Known Member
I'm about to set up in my new apartment.

Here is what I am wondering. If I get CO2, can I cover all the exhaust leaks in the room and just run a carbon filter / fan inside every so often to cut down on the smell.

I just don't see how else I can do intake / exhaust in an apartment without cutting into the ceiling.
All thoughts / comments would be appreciated...thanks
Yes it can be done.

Reading your thread title it seems your going to be running 3,000 watts of lighting so i'd think the room is going to be a bedroom with a full blown grow,maybe 30 to 50 plants depending on size,is this correct.

If so you can recirculate filtered air right back into the same room but you'd better plan on going all fukin out on the best fans you can find with the most CFM,same goes for carbon filters,you will not be able to get off running small 6 to 12 inch filters or home made jobs,you'll need the big boys that are like 24 inches.

Without any real exhaust you need to go overboard on taking care of odor,you dont want to come to the grow op one day & find that the entire building reeks of fresh weed.

On top of the carbon filter i'd run an Ozone Generator,fukers are the shit,they will totally eleminate the odor from a house that caught fire,damm things suck the smell right out of wood,carpet,drapes ect,the smell left over will smell exactly like the smell left over after a lightning storm with rain,you know that real clean smell,thats the odor ozone generators put out.

A little more info on Ozone generators,they dont just cover up or filter the smell they destroy the cause of the smell,there's some crazy explaination behind them but basically they attach an ozone atom to a smell atom & combign the 2 atoms making oxygen or some shit,i know they work like all get out.

Heres the model i have.

HIGH OUTPUT OZONE GENERATOR. FOR COMMERCIAL WORK - eBay (item 120234268082 end time Mar-22-08 19:24:26 PDT)