39w cfl to150w hps to250whps yield of bubblelicious,diesel ryder,cream caramel,b myst

High everybody, started growing in a really small pc box with 2 20 watt blue spectrum cfls,lsted, then flowered with 3 39w cfls. only got 2.1 dry. Since then have been able to upgrade to a 33''high x 18"deepx36"w grow tent and a 150whps. using miracle grow soil and miracle grow flowering nutes. My question is, can i expect my yield to double,triple,quadruple,etc, under the 150w hps. I am growing diesel ryder,cream caramel,blue mystic and 3 bagseeds. i have started all of these with 1wk veg and the rest has been 12/12. currently the light is about 5" from the autos, i can probably get it to 3" wout burning them as i have a fan blowing on the bulb and up thru the vented hood. I am also acquiring a 250whps with a cooltube reflector from a friend soon and plan to replace the 150w.


Well-Known Member
2.1 ounces from a small PC box is nothing to sneeze at!

In general, yield is going to be roughly proportionate to wattage. You can maybe tack on another 20% watt-for-watt going from CFL to HPS.

So going from 117W fluorescent to 150W HPS might increase your yield by 30% or so.
More if you're getting more out of your HPS with better reflectors, etc.

But more than that your EXPERIENCE matters a LOT. Instead of worrying about what your exact yield is going to be, you'd be better served just trying to optimize whatever setup you have.

Training your plants into an even canopy of flowering tops (ie "Scrog"), for example, will increase yields more than a few extra watts here or there.


Well-Known Member
I went from 8-t-12 bulbs (4' flouro's) for my first grow or 2 then I switched to 2 150 watt HPS & there was no comparison. Buds were dense & stinky under the HPS. My cabinet was 2X5X4 before. Just rebuilt it & now its 3'deepX6'wideX6'high & I'm going to put 4 150 watt HPS lights. I have 4 150 watt lights on hand. NOt sure if that's as good as say 1 600watt hps or is it better to have the 4 lights spread around.

But defiently you get better & more buds under the HPS. That's right from experience not just reading.

GOod luck & grow on!

:) Carl


Active Member
I went from 8-t-12 bulbs (4' flouro's) for my first grow or 2 then I switched to 2 150 watt HPS & there was no comparison. Buds were dense & stinky under the HPS. My cabinet was 2X5X4 before. Just rebuilt it & now its 3'deepX6'wideX6'high & I'm going to put 4 150 watt HPS lights. I have 4 150 watt lights on hand. NOt sure if that's as good as say 1 600watt hps or is it better to have the 4 lights spread around.

But defiently you get better & more buds under the HPS. That's right from experience not just reading.

GOod luck & grow on!

:) Carl
It is actually better than a 600 since 150W has a higher watt/lumen ratio.


Well-Known Member
I understand you get more lumens from the 600, but the 150's are giving a better footprint I think.
I have them already so I'm gonna give them a go. I could put a 400 in the middle & then 150 at each end. Get great coverage that way.
one 600 watt = around 90,000 lumens
four 150 watt = around 64,000 lumens


one 600 watt = around 90,000 lumens
four 150 watt = around 64,000 lumens
Lumens do not add. Wattage does.
Ten 150w hps lamps will still output 16,000 lumens and 1500 watts.

In this way, 72,000 lumens from one 600 watt bulb would be better than 16,000 lumens from 4 150 watt bulbs.