
Just some idiot
So then, I guess its safe to say that you didn't agree with my last post?

Here's a question or two for ya: Would the Iraqi people be better off with a free market, or a market operating under fascism? Are the Iraqi people better off with free elections, or a one-candidate dictator? Are the Iraqi women better off with equal rights under the law, or as property/chattle?

Would these kinds of freedoms/liberties in Iraq have influence among the young in IRAN or not?

What's better for the American people, I could give a crap about Iraq, sorry to say but do I think taking out Saddam was good, yes and no, he should have been removed back when Big Bush was president. Sure Iran would be better off with the stuff you mentioned above but is the war the answer? Hell look at the opposite scenario, what if Iraq is viewed as another Israel then what happens to the Middle East. As for womens rights sure they should have equal rights but we need to remember different people have different cultures and belief systems. We should protect and fight for freedom, we shouldn't shove it down everyone's throat....plus under the guise of freedom is why we are their. We just want another buddy to trade us some oil. I believe that Iraq is going to be more like Saudi Arabia in the end anyway. The rulers and controllers of oil are going to be our friends but the people are going to hate us. WE HAVE NO BUSINESS TELLING OTHERS WHAT TO DO....that's why people hate us...we are becoming very imperialistic. Hell why don't we start claiming Iraq as a colony. I also believe that the Iranians are doing much better since the new regime took over in the late 70's. Hell I hate injustice but I'd rather take care of my own first, meaning my american brothers and sisters. Look at the mess over there, how much money are we spending over there while over here we have close to 50 million people with no health insurance, we had Katrina, we have poor hungry people. We have overcrowded prisons. The constitution is being destroyed and corporations run this country not the people.


Well-Known Member
Exactly! Show them a way maybe. Not force them away! 5-10 a gallon would be great!! That way other means of energy would have to be looked a seriously. Take the common light bulb for example, they invented light bulbs decades ago that don't burn out, why don't we have them? Only now are we gettin into cfls that still need to be replaced($$$$$).

Why does al-queda hate america ne way? We only hear about why "we" hate them.

Back to "bringing freedom and democracy" to iraq. What If Canada with our heath care came knockin on the U.S door with bombs and guns insisting You change your Health care system over to how we do it? Probably wouldn't go over very well. I know I know we have a far smaller army etc, we need your protection as you do ours etc etc. but just a thought.

Why not cuba? they are far closer! wouldn't even need to launch a plane to do a shock and awe! You could have them a democratic county in an afternoon! Free the cubans from their dictatorship.

Ohh yeah they have NO OIL!


Giant U.S. embassy rising in BaghdadPosted 4/19/2006 12:51 AM ETE-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions |
EnlargeAP photo
Construction cranes are seen above the site of the new United States embassy being built in Baghdad.

U.S. diplomatic employees in Iraq are to move next year to a multimillion-dollar complex that will be among the largest U.S. embassies. The facility is slated for completion June 2007.

New office building: Includes classified activities
New office annex: For public diplomacy staff, consular affairs and the U.S. Agency for International Development
Interim office building: Designed for future use as a school
General services annex: Facilities management, break areas, staff locker rooms
Recreation building: Gym, exercise room, swimming pool, locker rooms, the American Club, commissary, food court, barber and beauty shop
Six staff apartment buildings: Each has one bedroom apartments
Residences for the chief and deputy chief of mission
Marine security guard quarters
Remaining buildings are dedicated to security, vehicle maintenance and facilities management, storage, utilities, and water and wastewater treatment

Sources: State Department, Mall of America, Disneyland, Architect of the Capitol, wire reports and Senate Foreign Relations Committee

swapContent('firstHeader','applyHeader');By Barbara Slavin, USA TODAY
Three years after a U.S.-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein, only one major U.S. building project in Iraq is on schedule and within budget: the massive new American embassy compound.
The $592 million facility is being built inside the heavily fortified Green Zone by 900 non-Iraqi foreign workers who are housed nearby and under the supervision of a Kuwaiti contractor, according to a Senate Foreign Relations Committee report. Construction materials have been stockpiled to avoid the dangers and delays on Iraq's roads.
"We are confident the embassy will be completed according to schedule (by June 2007) and on budget," said Justin Higgins, a State Department spokesman.
The same cannot be said for major projects serving Iraqis outside the Green Zone, the Senate report said. Many — including health clinics, water-treatment facilities and electrical plants — have had to be scaled back or in some cases eliminated because of the rising costs of securing worksites and workers.
"No large-scale, U.S.-funded construction program in Iraq has yet met its schedule or budget," the committee report said.
Security is the "No. 1 factor that impedes progress," said Stuart Bowen, the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction.
Contractors and Army Corps of Engineers officials "are being shot at or threatened every day," he said. At least 467 contractors in Iraq have been killed, said Christine Belisle, a spokeswoman for the special inspector general.
According to the special inspector general's office, which Congress created to oversee U.S. projects in Iraq, 25% of nearly $21 billion for Iraq reconstruction has been diverted to pay for security.
The massive new embassy, being built on the banks of the Tigris River, is designed to be entirely self-sufficient and won't be dependent on Iraq's unreliable public utilities.
The 104-acre complex — the size of about 80 football fields — will include two office buildings, one of them designed for future use as a school, six apartment buildings, a gym, a pool, a food court and its own power generation and water-treatment plants. The average Baghdad home has electricity only four hours a day, according to Bowen's office.
The current U.S. Embassy in Iraq has nearly 1,000 Americans working there, more than at any other U.S. embassy.
Most embassy functions are now housed in Saddam Hussein's former Republican Palace, also within the Green Zone. The U.S. government and military, which occupied many of Saddam's palaces after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, are turning the facilities back to the Iraqi government.
The lead contractor on the embassy project is a Kuwaiti firm, First Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting, Higgins said. There are also five U.S. subcontractors, but he would not name them for security reasons.
The Senate report recommended that First Kuwaiti consider hiring more Iraqis, if they can be properly screened.

Posted 4/19/2006 12:51 AM ETE-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions |
USATODAY.com - Giant U.S. embassy rising in Baghdad


Well-Known Member
hahaha. The only time I get a hotel room when I'm not staying the night is when I'm planning on FUCKING someone. I love analogies.


Well-Known Member
$12 billion dollars a MONTH. there goes my social security.

I would pay $20 a gallon to save the life of 1 American.

help solve the oil problem, buy a v8! i did. i use as much gas as i possibly can. run 'em dry!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Have you guys ever considered that we ARE at war with IRAN as we speak? Consider this; If we pull out of Iraq now and leave the Iraqi people hanging, they will be at the mercy of the Iranians and al Queda. There will be a blood bath and Iran will strengthen its foot hold throughout the Middle East. If we stay, and a democracy is established in Iraq, democracy establishes a foot hold in the Middle East along with Israel. As democracy spreads, Iran will collapse from within ... and we will have defeated Iran without firing a shot inside the Iranian border.

For those of you who want a U.S. pull-out in the Middle east, are you prepared to pay 5-10 dollars a gallon for gas ... and face the very possibility of alQueda/Iran obtaining nuclear weapons? Not only that, but Pakistan is teetering on the brink too ... and they already have nukes.

Keep on hating Bush, guys ... being stoned-blind has its advantages. Just ask the Ostrich.

Vi you may be able to bullshit others with your scare tactics, but I have too many members of my family to know better.

5 -10 buck a gallon of gas? Never happen, they are drilling lots of oil wells around where I live right now. You can't go outside of my town and throw a hand full of rocks without hitting 15 oil rigs. Try and bullshit those who don't know better. At most Gasoline will peak at $4.00 a gallon in the next 5 years. But please keep telling everybody the sky is falling, it helps with the sales of tranquillizers.


Well-Known Member
Have you guys ever considered that we ARE at war with IRAN as we speak? Consider this; If we pull out of Iraq now and leave the Iraqi people hanging, they will be at the mercy of the Iranians and al Queda. There will be a blood bath and Iran will strengthen its foot hold throughout the Middle East. If we stay, and a democracy is established in Iraq, democracy establishes a foot hold in the Middle East along with Israel. As democracy spreads, Iran will collapse from within ... and we will have defeated Iran without firing a shot inside the Iranian border.

For those of you who want a U.S. pull-out in the Middle east, are you prepared to pay 5-10 dollars a gallon for gas ... and face the very possibility of alQueda/Iran obtaining nuclear weapons? Not only that, but Pakistan is teetering on the brink too ... and they already have nukes.

Keep on hating Bush, guys ... being stoned-blind has its advantages. Just ask the Ostrich.




Elite Rolling Society
Yesterday, on CBS news, they said 600,000 Iraqi citizens have died so far in this invasion.
That doesn't count the 200,000 + soilders that died in 93 and another 1o0,000 soilders, policemen and security personel in this invasion.

For what?


New Member
Dank sez ...

"Vi you may be able to bullshit others with your scare tactics, but I have too many members of my family to know better."

This says exactly nothing. If you don't agree with my post, Dank, why not refute it point by point? Here it is again:

Have you guys ever considered that we ARE at war with IRAN as we speak? Consider this; If we pull out of Iraq now and leave the Iraqi people hanging, they will be at the mercy of the Iranians and al Queda. There will be a blood bath and Iran will strengthen its foot hold throughout the Middle East. If we stay, and a democracy is established in Iraq, democracy establishes a foot hold in the Middle East along with Israel. As democracy spreads, Iran will collapse from within ... and we will have defeated Iran without firing a shot inside the Iranian border.

For those of you who want a U.S. pull-out in the Middle east, are you prepared to pay 5-10 dollars a gallon for gas ... and face the very possibility of alQueda/Iran obtaining nuclear weapons? Not only that, but Pakistan is teetering on the brink too ... and they already have nukes.

Keep on hating Bush, guys ... being stoned-blind has its advantages. Just ask the Ostrich.




New Member
Dank sez ...

"Vi you may be able to bullshit others with your scare tactics, but I have too many members of my family to know better."

This says exactly nothing. If you don't agree with my post, Dank, why not refute it point by point? Here it is again:

Have you guys ever considered that we ARE at war with IRAN as we speak? Consider this; If we pull out of Iraq now and leave the Iraqi people hanging, they will be at the mercy of the Iranians and al Queda. There will be a blood bath and Iran will strengthen its foot hold throughout the Middle East. If we stay, and a democracy is established in Iraq, democracy establishes a foot hold in the Middle East along with Israel. As democracy spreads, Iran will collapse from within ... and we will have defeated Iran without firing a shot inside the Iranian border.

For those of you who want a U.S. pull-out in the Middle east, are you prepared to pay 5-10 dollars a gallon for gas ... and face the very possibility of alQueda/Iran obtaining nuclear weapons? Not only that, but Pakistan is teetering on the brink too ... and they already have nukes.

Keep on hating Bush, guys ... being stoned-blind has its advantages. Just ask the Ostrich.

Well, first off, we are not at war with Iran yet, I'm sure it's on the Bush agenda. 2nd, In case you haven't noticed, there is already a blood bath going on and it involves American Blood. 3rd, a democracy in the middle East is very unlikely, they have thousands of years of tribal influences to overcome. 4th, 5-10 dollars a gallon gasoline will not be influenced by the Iraq situation but by the greedy Oil companies that are already raping and pillaging on Gasoline pricing. 5th, By waging a war in the middle East, we have destablized what little stability there was already, thereby creating a vacuum for Al-queda fighters to fill and creating hatred for western Ideals throughout the middle East. We have put more pressure on Musharrifs Government by riling up more muslim fanatics, making the overthrow more likely and the delivery of nukes into radical muslims hands almost a certainity, Anything else?


Well-Known Member
This says exactly nothing. If you don't agree with my post, Dank, why not refute it point by point? Here it is again:

Vi, do you have a dog in this fight?
I have currently 3 family members in Iraq who are fighting this war and one who just retired and had done 2 tours of duty there. I get emails with the real truth from these family members. Second, Here in Texas where I live they are drilling oil more then they were in the 70's and 80's.... Oil will not go to 10 bucks a gallon... Hell Even Boon Pickens (who is one of the biggest Oil speculators in the country and lives 50 miles from me) says it will only peak out at $4.50 a gallon. Please Vi, if your going to talk about a commodity try talking about something you actually know about.
Nothing is going to be gained by staying in the Middle East except getting more and more of our kids picked off.
If you knew anything about Iraq you would know that the right to keep and bare arms is written into the Iraqi Constitution and something that they take quite literally. Also The Iraqi people are getting just as tired of Al qaeda as they are of the Americans. They can take care of that little problem themselves.

Sure Pakistan is on the brink of collapse, Guess what? They are always on the verge of collapse politically, Nothing new here. Pakistan has been that way since I joined the service back in 1979.


Well-Known Member
Iran Will collapse from within because they were too short sighted to build refineries in their country. and they people are starting to revolt. This would be a perfect time for Israel to bomb the enrichment facility. Do you honestly think that Israel will let Iran develope a Nuke?

Remember that Israel has 252 Nukes.


New Member
Iran Will collapse from within because they were too short sighted to build refineries in their country. and they people are starting to revolt. This would be a perfect time for Israel to bomb the enrichment facility. Do you honestly think that Israel will let Iran develope a Nuke?

Remember that Israel has 252 Nukes.
Well, we agree on this point.



Well-Known Member
Treat Iraq and their people like the first white Americans treated the Indians(native americans or whathaveyou). First kill the men and children with disease while raping their women. Then make it a state or another fucking PR. If we miss any we can put them on a cute little reservation and they can sell prayer mats and open casinos. And all the while we can encourage them to consume more alcohol, cocaine and heroin.


Well-Known Member
Treat Iraq and their people like the first white Americans treated the Indians(native americans or whathaveyou). First kill the men and children with disease while raping their women. Then make it a state or another fucking PR. If we miss any we can put them on a cute little reservation and they can sell prayer mats and open casinos. And all the while we can encourage them to consume more alcohol, cocaine and heroin.

the american dream.........................


New Member
There's more to this site than discussing dope. There are dopes discussing politics too. :roll:

This from a person that doesn't read the posts he is debating. I've watched you for over a year and here is my conclusion. You have a one way agenda that has no room for truth or objectivity. you are so intrenched in your one mindedness that you can't see the proverbial Forest for the trees. If you would at least read the posts you are refuting, I'm sure a more logical debate would be forthcoming, but alas I realize this is beyond your ability. BTW let me know next time your coming to Vegas, Maybe we can have a chat.


Well-Known Member
I hate the war in Iraq! However, if we leave now there will be civil war in Iraq. Someone like Sadam or Iran will eventually take over. Then, this new regime and all their neighbors (for one reason or another) will reallly be pissed off at us. How many Americans will die then?
#1 Sadam is dead
#2 there alreayd is a civil war in iraq
#3 if the troops were home i would guess no more would die