3600 Watt Dutch tables (Jamaican Pineapple)


Well-Known Member
CROP! after staring at ur avatar fer a while i have decided to go hydro! hahha

i was lookin in to getting a '1 plant, 1 bucket' setup goin. i was peepin out the ECO-air 2-outlet 6 watt air pump and 2-4'' air stones in the bottom of a 2.5 gallon bucket. this all happened wen i seen the bucket today at home depot, came very sudden! haha btu yea u think thats a suffeint air movement im goning for ALOT of air in a lil bucket. ;-). got any tips?? im going to the hydro shop tommorow after werk.

ps, could i pull a seedling i poped a week ago OUT of the soil its in and throw that in the buket, or should i just clone so i kno its female?? irelly dont mind, love the chance of being lucky to be honest. but could this be an option???


Active Member
Yeah DoeEyes, I took some shots by request today ;) Thanks for the positive feedback.

Wonderblunder is right, the leaves don't look damaged at all other than the fact that theirs no chlorophyll in them. Its a trip, i'll take some more shots next time I am in to show it better, its so deep into the table that reaching in with the camera is the best way for me to see it too.

Fuzzy I am glad to hear that you have decided to go hydro, as long as I am around these forums you can count on my help if its needed. You will be amazed with the growth difference. Try to find a light proof bucket, hydroponic shops have nice ones that are light proof and you will get a 15% discount because your medical. When I did one dwc bucket I went through every air pump sold and found that the General Hydroponics duel diaphram air pump was great for one or two plants and again you would get the 15% discount for that at a hydro shop, but a pond supply store would be the cheapest bet most of the time (usually connected to nursery's) and the lids made by Future Harvest Development have the netpots built in, they are great! hydro shop again with this item though, overpriced bastards! but always so convenient. Also if your only doing one or two get the ceramic air stones they are a little more money but give MUCH smaller air bubbles so you get more dissolved oxygen, also they are extremely durable....

Oh and the seedling from soil to hydro, I would take a spoon and gently go in half inch or so from the stalk and gently pull the clump out so you can easily dissect the root from the soil.
I have done it a few times before with great success.


Well-Known Member
Been looking around at the Albino plants. Dodging 1970's urban legends and nonsense. Its looking like the 2 pigiments in plants are carotene and chlorophyl. THere is something going on with them, they still might be present but not in a normal formation or presence. Plants are green for a reason through evoloution, so some say that the albinos can be as plentiful as green plants due to the lack or differentiation of the pigiments. It looks very pretty! I If you could take clones off that section I think you would definitely have albino. Maybe not? I like it Crop, nice grow! Footballs sound very nice, I am hoping for a football but its not gonna happen....Its just 1 plant that is superdense and all swelling budsites....


Well-Known Member
i dissagree with cloning in flowering....but that is the coolest idea to clone that part and albino a plant!! NICE!! cropalotapot u should attempt this, it think it would b a trip to c.


Active Member
Hey guys n' gals, yeah I agree that cloning in flower is amateur. I also agree that having a whole bunch of albino pot might be cool, not to mention the way that particular pheno grows... Might be cool, I am going to clone it and make it a mommy for shits n giggles.
I have posted some updated shots because the buds have been packing on girth and crystal like crazy! what I am the most stoked about is the lack of red-hairs, everything is still white (except one branch that broke) which tells me they have a lot of fattening up to do still...

PS: I freakin love growing....



Well-Known Member
wat up drop, yea i learn if u clone in flowering and it has trikes, after it roots and goes bak into veg and blah blah blah (thats might b a struggle) and it gets sum more colas goin just clone those and u will have a MUCH less chance fer problems later in its life, just my 2 cents.


and then took this seedling...
and WAM!..
....Wat do u think? couldnt go ceramic BUT i will soon, and the buket was white but i wrapped a gang of tape around it to keep light out.


Active Member
NICE! welcome to the DWC world buddy, it all looks great.
The transfer looks like it went smooth, did you get the tap-root down and out of the netpot upon transplant?

Right on!, we're running the same FHD built in net-pot lids now, I like how tough they are.



Well-Known Member
NICE! welcome to the DWC world buddy, it all looks great.
The transfer looks like it went smooth, did you get the tap-root down and out of the netpot upon transplant?

Right on!, we're running the same FHD built in net-pot lids now, I like how tough they are.

the seedling i used in this run is already sooooo happy this morning, i think it likes it ;-). the transfer went great tap root is in water there r a BUNCH of lil bubbles flowing. yea seen the net pots and had to get the since i couldnt find ceramic air stones in town here. they r tough! i get this feeling like this is a begining to a new end.:leaf:

(look at how mad it looks in the pik i took last night)

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Just went throught the thread man, did a great job on the build and all the space to take care of all the plants !!!!!!!

Cant wait to see the new dream become reality, why dream if you cant make it come true.

I am using the House and Garden Nute line and dam man i am not disappointed at all. Just about to end my cycle and i saw a crazy inch to inch and half bud growth from the shooting powder, shit is insane.

Going to be watching this thread man so keep us posted with links to any new grow threads you start should be really fun to watch the new setup.

Checking out the Diagram you drawled up looks sick, just was not sure how your are going to setup the ducing from the fans to the lights if there on movers? Guessing just extra ducing to the full reach of lights distances but is just going to be a loop of extra ducing at the shortest point or did you figure another way ?


Well-Known Member
Holy crap Crop, Its all looking good. That albino growth is weird looking. A quick comment on the boxes for the buckets. if you want to save a lot of time and effort, just use plain wood. I would use 2"x2" and cut them into about 12" lenghts. The just nail or screw them together in a u shape. It will basically just be a 2" spacer for you to set the buckets on and should cost under $20 to make them for the entire set. Just a simple, easy, sturdy way of raising the buckets 2" off of the floor. Placing my order next week for my flower room upgrade next week, going from 400w to 1200w, so it should be fun.


Active Member
Dont worry about it Fuzzy.
Welcome Hulk Nugs, thanks I appreciate it. I will be using the shooting powder again on the next res cleaning\flush and nutrient change, ugh every 5 days! but they love it...

H&G is great, i'll take a shot of all the H&G nutes I have... Got em for free with a huge purchase, the hydro guy likes to give all of one brands freebies away to one person so he can get an accurate feedback on the nutrient line, makes sense and I like it!

Integra - Thanks, that is a really good idea. I may use that idea or the new one that we had thought up which still involves dropping the box idea as well. A bunch of 2x6 boards on bricks because the 2x6 boards will be easy to drill 1inch holes through if we are putting the drain holes on the bottom of the buckets.

I am waiting for Monday to go back to the hydro store and trade all my thru hulls in for the ones with built in screens, I am worried about roots going down the tubes and clogging the pipes.


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about it Fuzzy.
Welcome Hulk Nugs, thanks I appreciate it. I will be using the shooting powder again on the next res cleaning\flush and nutrient change, ugh every 5 days! but they love it...

H&G is great, i'll take a shot of all the H&G nutes I have... Got em for free with a huge purchase, the hydro guy likes to give all of one brands freebies away to one person so he can get an accurate feedback on the nutrient line, makes sense and I like it!

Integra - Thanks, that is a really good idea. I may use that idea or the new one that we had thought up which still involves dropping the box idea as well. A bunch of 2x6 boards on bricks because the 2x6 boards will be easy to drill 1inch holes through if we are putting the drain holes on the bottom of the buckets.

I am waiting for Monday to go back to the hydro store and trade all my thru hulls in for the ones with built in screens, I am worried about roots going down the tubes and clogging the pipes.
If your worried about the roots , putting an ebb and flow drain cap in the bucket might help prevent that.


Active Member
Some updated shots along with some pics of the buckets sitting setup, the new lights that can be air cooled and hung vertically.

And lets not forget the update shots of the albino bud and of course the rest overweight women, I had to tie up branches for an hr today. I had a plant fall over from the weight too, but all is well now and lookin like a puppet show..

They have a res & clean tomorrow and I will be adding more shooting powder that should help make some of the buds the size of footballs, I'm very impressed with this strain all around, smells f*&%ing fantastic, tons of crystal and it gets HUGE!

