36 hours dark to flower??


New Member
So I want to get these slow to flower plants to get with it. I was thinking to turn off the light for 36 hours and see if that inspires them to hurry?? I had some that it happened to by accident and well then the pumps went off too and they looked like they might die but they came back fast and when they did the flowers had come on fast. It is the same strain with a few others this time so wanted opinions.. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
i think its preference, not sure if scientifically there is a answer. diff strains, grow room conditions. try it and let us know.


fuck jorge!!!!!!! let your plant chill out for 2 days int he dark and that will encourage the hormones to build up, and show sex much faster


New Member
Well thanks. I was thinking it would help. Have NL, Pure Gold, Thai Super Skunk (to much sativa) Skunk#1 only a little one, and Afgan Kush, nice plant. I am scared because they need to stop getting so big. It looks like a jungle already and well not sure if the light mover gets them long enough on each pass but will see if this works.. Never seen so much green..
fuck jorge!!!!!!! let your plant chill out for 2 days int he dark and that will encourage the hormones to build up, and show sex much faster


New Member
Sorry, they are all girls I know that already so no worries there...
Well thanks. I was thinking it would help. Have NL, Pure Gold, Thai Super Skunk (to much sativa) Skunk#1 only a little one, and Afgan Kush, nice plant. I am scared because they need to stop getting so big. It looks like a jungle already and well not sure if the light mover gets them long enough on each pass but will see if this works.. Never seen so much green..


New Member
So if you have a mover and your plants seem to be taking forever to show what you already know, that they are females could this be due to not enough time spent under the moving light??? Can't decide why a so called very fast strain like Northern Lights would grow so well but take forever to show sex???? Thought they were to finish quick but the other strains are not in any hurry either so not sure what to think. All the nutes are bloom now but were in transition with N for around 3 weeks.
Sorry, they are all girls I know that already so no worries there...