3000w trees!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody, I enjoy sharing info with everyone.

To answer:
Well Jman:
I tried a 'side-by-side' with Ocean Forest VS Happy Frog, couldn't see any difference. But I like what they each have in them so I just mix the 2. Add a little Dolomite & Guano & stand back!

Thanks bro, I enjoy reading your posts as well, the new 'shed grow' looks tight! Good luck with that!
If you need any info/help with the greenhouse please don't hesitate to ask.
Very observant!!!, yes until I get the plants harvested in a week, I'm over limit. But, some of those clones are destined for another grow spot, I'll be back within limit in a week.

Thanks I rotate the plants weekly.

Me too, the clones you see are actually for the Greenhouse, WhoooWhooo!



Hey Doublejj !

You said you vegged for 2 months, about how tall were they when you flipped the lights? And if I may ask, did you tie them down at all, or prune the bottoms as they got bigger? Thanks it would be appreciated cause I have about 6 plants & the same amount light and I was going for the same idea.



Well-Known Member
doublejj ur at it again. im sub'd fer this. wat happened the few u had out in the green house thing a while back??


Well-Known Member
Thanks it's turning out great!

They were between 2 1/2 - 4 ft tall when I flowered. They doubled in size!

Yes, battle as hard as I might to keep them out, the damn Spider Mites still got me. I'm growing organic, so no sprays were used. It's really not as bad as it looks, only leaves, no buds.

Yeah, I'm at it again. After the way the second crop thru the greenhouse, came out, (small flowers) I decided to just flower the next generation inside. These are the ones you see in the pictures here.

Here's a link to the second grow thread:

P.S. Harvest starts tomorrow!:clap:

EDIT: Each plant was topped! I use tomato cages so no tying.


Well-Known Member
Well, I took a break to snap a few pictures, 1/2 way thru harvest.:clap:

The Kush are all done, & in the drying rack. Just the White Widows left to trim, but here's some pic's.

Check out my Home Depot, bud drying rack.:idea:

P.S. More to follow



Active Member
looks fucking great doublejj, im super jealous of ur room

u got some bomb nugs there man keep up the good work.


i feel you on keeping it simple but know knock reflection etc it does boost yield no way around it being effective is diff than fancy mylar reflects 15% of light no hood = light loss no reflection 10-15% light loss these things add up quick no you dont need excessive shit to grow but c02 mylar reflective hoods etc are nessassary if you wanna be effecent


Well-Known Member
i feel you on keeping it simple but know knock reflection etc it does boost yield no way around it being effective is diff than fancy mylar reflects 15% of light no hood = light loss no reflection 10-15% light loss these things add up quick no you dont need excessive shit to grow but c02 mylar reflective hoods etc are nessassary if you wanna be effecent
Huh? No capital letters...no punctuation. I realize this is a dank site but this post made my head hurt! LOL

Hoods do not provide effeciency. They reflect one side of a bulb...poorly. A bulb is truly at it's best with no hood but your set up and bulbs need to be set up right to work.

The only thing our friend here could do would be to hang the bulbs vertically. In your first post you can see all the light sitting on the ceiling. If the bulbs were vertical that light would be hitting the plants and not the ceiling.

I still dig the gangster grow.


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a wild finish!

Here's some pic's from the morning after, it was wild. I think the buds may be behind bars for weeks!lol!

These are 'horizontal' bulbs out of horizontal hoods. The bulbs box say for horizontal use, so I hung them sideways. They really light the whole room this way. I thought the tall plants would bend towards the lights, but the grew straight into the ceiling!:shock:

I'll post some final weights & pictures later.

P.S. Basement? There is no substitute!



Well-Known Member
Wow... just wow man. I'm the type to complicate things to no end... It's so awesome to see you do this.

I'm guessing you like the Max bulbs... or whatever they are called. The light is much nicer than standard HPS.

Great work bud.