3 weeks in to flowering my northern lights auto and my buds are yellow

you have watered too often first of all you need to let the soil dry completely before watering if not parts of your roots always stay wet which causes them to rot. your using too many nutrients. and they are defiantly heat stressed. right now you have multiple issues to address. if you address now and give them a bit of superthrive for one watering they'll come around if not man they are gonners

pjp paten

New Member
Should i flush? Im using jobes slow release bloom sticks i only put one in since it started to flower mabie i should re pot them? It will take alot of water to get that shit out and heat has been around 80 i water when its dry an inch down then i wait a day humidity is very low could that be causing trouble?
Should i flush? Im using jobes slow release bloom sticks i only put one in since it started to flower mabie i should re pot them? It will take alot of water to get that shit out and heat has been around 80 i water when its dry an inch down then i wait a day humidity is very low could that be causing trouble?
in flower you want lower humidity its a good thing if your above 25 your humidity is not a problem. as far as your nutrient problem it may not be one if you use tap water it could have chemicals in it that affect your plant negatively. i have never had experience in that specific nutrient. you're biggest problem I'm seeing is heat and watering too often. 80 is a bit on the hot side 74 is a great temp for your ladies. and just cause it's dry an inch down doesn't mean it's dry if your bottoms of roots or any part of your roots stay wet too long they will rot. test your pots by picking them up they should feel really light before watering and your whole pot should be bone dry.watering can be tricky to some cause there's a bit of a small window for the "perfect time to water".

Nuggs B'Nasty

New Member
You can get a water meter from wal-mart that when you stick it in the soil it will tell you exactly howwet or dry your soil is. I got one and man i love it!!


Well-Known Member
Actual seed bank footage of that plants creation

Being an asshole aside
-Watering issues
-PH issues
-Nute burn issues
-Heat Stress
-Potential Hermi issues caused by the list above

You could

-Put ALLOT of effort into trying to save her flower cycle
-Attempt to reveg her to take clones
-Kill her research / ask a few questions ahead of time and try again with the new info

( I would be more then happy to answer any questions about set up / nutes / dirt / watering techniques, ect ect )