3 Weeks Flower; Need Some Advice, Pro's


Well-Known Member
Aunty is 3 weeks into flowering and doing just great. I also have 3 clones of her doing fine in veg. I need some advice on these points. 1) She's already 38" tall, how much taller can she get? 2) what strain does she look like (Indica or Sativa) came from bagseed. 3) How long should I flower her?
Your comments and advice much appreciated and needed... this my first grow.


Well-Known Member
looks like sativa, plants can double/triple in height when flowered, my opinion is that it aint getting much taller,size of pot may restrict its size,flower til 90 percent brown hairs or 50 percent amber trychs, could be 10 or 12 weeks i guess if sativa.


Well-Known Member
My guess would be sativa too. How tall was she when you started flowering? Have you noticed if she is growing still at the moment?


Well-Known Member
Since she is still growing you and you started flowering at ~21", my wild guess is that she will grow 6-8 more inches over the next couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
holy shit! Should I re pot it to get a bigger root base? She is in a 3 gallon right now.


Well-Known Member
you may want to lollipop it. Like cut off the bottom 1/3 of the plant to allow more light to the top bud sites. They will get a lot bigger and it will be easier for you to trim too..


Well-Known Member
now at 3 weeks or can I let the bottom 1/3 grow alittle more to get better nugs. Under a 400 w HPS.
What about re potting? what are the stress factors in this stage of growing?