3 types of Bio-Grow??





amm.. and why are there 3 types of bio-grow?
I checked the BioBizz website it appears the picture is of the 8-2-6, but how can I be sure what is what now?
What's going on!! :shock::confused::confused:

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
chances are that they have to meet certain standards for each country so they have to label them differently, i'm not certain about this it's just a guess. i use biobizz and have the bottle in pic1 i'm in the uk, and highly recommend this product i haven't had chance to try lots of different nuts yet but i do know i'll be sticking with biobizz it's just to easy to use mate


Thanks bro!

Anyone can confirm this?
For US ppl - goto google and type "buy bio-grow" - over 95% of results are for the 1.9-0.1-6.6 !

Anywhere reliable in the states that sells the good ol' 8-2-6 ?
PLEASE help. I used to grow with BioBizz and once you go BB.. u dont go back :p :mrgreen:




53 views and only a single reply, that even he is not sure.
What going on guys! Please help!

Why are there several BIO-GROW products, and how do I know which one they mean on their growing chart?

Also, if anyone knows on a US store that keeps the 8-2-6 PUH-lease let me know.


Yes and no.

I also googled a lot before starting this thread.
I can not find an explanation on WHY there are at least three kinds of Bio-Grow, and more important - How do I know which kind to refer when using it on my plants?

The difference is HUGE between the 8-2-6 and 2-.1-6
Didn't we all read in the guides here that N is the most important nute for vegging stage?
Then why is there a Bio-Grow with totally opposite values!

I used BioBizz llllong time ago, when they only had the good ol' 8-2-6
I loved it - a really good company that suits my needs like a glove. Now though, it seems there are few more variations.

I can not find anything that'll explain WHY, or at least give a reference or point to the correct feeding table for each 'kind'. :(


What a loving and caring community.
a simple question that I'm SURE somebody knows the answer to.

Why aren't you helping?
Am I not giving enough information?
Am I not friendly enough??



Active Member
Any chance you can get a hold of some one from their office????
I am not familiar with Bio Bizz but I do know that like FF GB has two different bottles one being for hydro and the other being for soil. Idk if thats gonna help any but there ya go


Active Member
Mine is 4 3 and 6
yes and no.

I also googled a lot before starting this thread.
I can not find an explanation on why there are at least three kinds of bio-grow, and more important - how do i know which kind to refer when using it on my plants?

The difference is huge between the 8-2-6 and 2-.1-6
didn't we all read in the guides here that n is the most important nute for vegging stage?
Then why is there a bio-grow with totally opposite values!

I used biobizz llllong time ago, when they only had the good ol' 8-2-6
i loved it - a really good company that suits my needs like a glove. Now though, it seems there are few more variations.

I can not find anything that'll explain why, or at least give a reference or point to the correct feeding table for each 'kind'. :(