3 soil + 1 hydro bucket under 400w MH - HPS


Well-Known Member
Hi, these are my first babies ,I have them since now 1 month and a half, they"ve been trough all sort of shit, (Irregular light, broken stems, over ferts even lost a big one :( ) Ive even cutted the tops,I dont remember Why. Anyway, I would like to know what you think about them, are my girls retarded or too weak for their age (1 month and a half) or Am i trippin ?

I was wondering If I should start flowering and what should I expect from them.

Also I dont think the bucket is ready I broke the main stem and it lacked a lot of light when it was still a baby.

Heres my crappy setup, only a 400w MH-Hps in a room without ventilation or anything fancy.