3 plants under a 1000w grow!!!


Hey what's up guys?

I got 3 babys under a 1000 w aircooled hps lights in a 4x5 walk in closet
The first of one of the 3 plants is a female KGB indica dominant plant that's 2 and a half feet tall and has been vegged for 1 and half months is been growing in the aerogarden veggie pro and I got 4 airstones init with also 2 26w ottlite full spectrum natrual light for plants and aerogarden veggie pro stock lights and is now 2 weeks into flowering under a 1000w hps
The second is a female K-train plant that's 2 feet tall been vegged for 2 months and I got it from my buddy he vegged it under 1 250w 6500k sunblaster light in is an 5 gallon pot and is now 2 weels in flowering
The third one the by far my biggest plant with many colas its an female G-13 plant I got it from my buddy also has been vegged for 2 months under the 1 250w 6500k sunblaster light and is about 3 and half feet tall in an 10 gallon pot

They all get the same line of nutrient. They all get fed twice a week with these nutrients:
Advanced nutrient big bud
Advanced nutrient grow and micro no go on the bloom couldn't find any at the hydro store
GH bloom
Benefox organic compost tea the guys at the hydro store swore on there life on this product said its like vodoo juice much cheaper

Now my question is how much would I yield per plant under the 1000 w?
I keep the temps around 35-30 degrees lights on and 30-28 lights of and humiditiy is always at 35 lights on. I use one big fan and also 3 computer cooling fans keeps the airflow moving nicely!

Any help or info or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Cheers guys!!!


Well-Known Member
Hummm your temps are a little high should be down around 25 if you can manage, not a big deal but not ideal.

Yield everyone wants to know, but it's impossible to guess but here goes.

New grower = 200 to 300g

Average Grower = 300 to 400g

Good grower = 400 to 600g

Garden God = 600 to 1000g Less than 5% of growers fit here

The rule of thumb is 1 gram per watt but I know very few people who can do that, most average growers should get 1/2 of that and be very happy. I have been growing the same girl for 10 years and using Co2 and I have only gotten 1000+ once most of the time I get 1 1/2# to 1 3/4 = 800g every time. Now lots of things come into play, genetics is the big one. Hope I have helped.

By the way 1000w and 3 plants you should LST for sure, get some netting and start training you will get twice as much than if you just let they grow.


Hummm your temps are a little high should be down around 25 if you can manage, not a big deal but not ideal.

Yield everyone wants to know, but it's impossible to guess but here goes.

New grower = 200 to 300g

Average Grower = 300 to 400g

Good grower = 400 to 600g

Garden God = 600 to 1000g Less than 5% of growers fit here

The rule of thumb is 1 gram per watt but I know very few people who can do that, most average growers should get 1/2 of that and be very happy. I have been growing the same girl for 10 years and using Co2 and I have only gotten 1000+ once most of the time I get 1 1/2# to 1 3/4 = 800g every time. Now lots of things come into play, genetics is the big one. Hope I have helped.

By the way 1000w and 3 plants you should LST for sure, get some netting and start training you will get twice as much than if you just let they grow.
Hey thx for the fast relpy +rep man
Ya they all got LST training on them like the G-13 plant has many many nodes like I think over 12 nodes forsure
I topped and LST the KGB and the K-train I left it the way it is


Well-Known Member
if people are like me, they prolly clicked on this thread, saw no pics, and moved on.

we like pics here