3 New Plants in Flowering New Pics, little yellowing need help!!!


Active Member
Check out the pics attached, not sure if you can see clearly but you should be able to see some of the yellowing leaves, any idea, over nute, under nute? Have been under a 600 watt HPS, they get Water and Nutes, Water and Molasses and Water, then back through same cycle. I do this continually as they need water, I am using the right ratio of nutes as well. Nutes and Water are usually at 800 PPM, does anyone know if the pics show they need anything specific or more nutes or need to be flushed?



Active Member
anybody else care to comment, how much should I add, I just watered them last night so should I put in 1400 PPM and just a little bit of the solution since they are already watered?


Active Member
during the stages of flowering nitrogen usage is all but gone and the plant uses primarily phosphorus and potassium, DO NOT give your plant any nitrogen or your buds will stretch.
yellowing during flowering is normal as the plant is pulling very, very little amounts of nitrogen from its fan leaves to stay alive.
water with a high p-k solution and wait.


Well-Known Member
u have a very common issue. they look about 3-5 weeks of flowering and you prob went to flower nutes too soon. The first 3 weeks of flowering is the most critical time in MJ's life. this is where your final tally will be decided to a good extent.
I dont see any deficiencies besides N which is a good thing. In all likely, you could have continued your veg formula at half of normal for these first couple of weeks. than the plant will not have yellowed until the end, which I believe it will do regardless of N availability to provide the plant with more light penetration to the other bud sites.

while the above poster is correct on the fact that high levels of N will delay budding and promote bud stretch, this only refers to the very begining and very end of flowering. suggesting to feed with high P and K is questionable advice as they do not show any signs of deficiency.
at this point you want to control the yellowing. if your plants go yellow too soon, your yield will most likely be influenced negatively. all u want to do is stop the yellowing from progessing by feeding with some veg nutes in addition to your current nutes.

it looks like you have a dominant sativa so you were much better to err on the lower side than higher as sativas do not like high fert levels. your water/feed schedule looks right on-maybe I would add 1/4 -1/2 grow the day you feed with molasses.


Active Member
Would you suggest I add 1/2 and 1/2 veg and flower nutes now and then see if the yellowing stops and proceed as such, do it again if continues to yellow and then continue as normal?


Well-Known Member
during the stages of flowering nitrogen usage is all but gone and the plant uses primarily phosphorus and potassium, DO NOT give your plant any nitrogen or your buds will stretch.
yellowing during flowering is normal as the plant is pulling very, very little amounts of nitrogen from its fan leaves to stay alive.
water with a high p-k solution and wait.
i didnt say he should add nitrogen, i was saying thats the reason the leafs go yellow is cuz it need nitrogen
er my bad, i said plant instead of leaves. sorry