3 Leaves !

Red Eyed Blonde

Active Member
Hello, I'm growing 3 plants & 1 which is an Afghan Haze has only got 3 leaves ! My other 2 plants which are not Afghan Haze have 5 leaves. The Afghan looks healthy, growing a bit slower than the other 2, But is it normal to have only 3 leaves ? Here's a couple of pics :




Well-Known Member
theyre looking really good, nice and green and pretty!

how far along were they when you took those pics?

Red Eyed Blonde

Active Member
I reckon they were about six weeks old when i took them pics and as this was my first grow I was unsure if it was normal for the Afghan to have three leaves ! Now they have some small leaves growing where the big leaves start and they have three leaves as well ! The other two plants which are Thai Haze x Skunk have five leaves. I'll just have to be patient and hope it all turns out o.k


Well-Known Member
I reckon they were about six weeks old when i took them pics and as this was my first grow I was unsure if it was normal for the Afghan to have three leaves ! Now they have some small leaves growing where the big leaves start and they have three leaves as well ! The other two plants which are Thai Haze x Skunk have five leaves. I'll just have to be patient and hope it all turns out o.k
theyre awesome... they look great. i just started mine in soil about 8 days ago and theyre growing slowly but surely. i cant wait till they look like yours! i know what your saying with being patient... its so hard! keep up the good work, ill be watching them.

Red Eyed Blonde

Active Member
Hello and good morning, woke up this morning and saw that the Afghan had got it's first set of five leaves, It was just a matter of being patient. Things seem to be going o.k, Just having a little trouble with the temp, getting very close to 85F and was wondering if anyone could help or advise me. I'm growing in a closet with a space of 130 x 100 x 46cm with an 125w envirolite & a tower fan. I'm thinking of getting an extractor fan or would i need 2 ? 1 to extract the heat & 1 to bring cool air in from the room ? Would i need 2 in such a small space ? If i did get 1 would it be better to use it for extracting or for putting cool air in ? Any help or advice would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If you only have one fan it is better to have it extracting the hot air from the top of your grow space and a passive intake at the bottom. It is also better if you need to use a carbon filter for odor control. An intake fan creates positive pressure in your grow space where as a extractor creates negative pressure so the only escaping air/smell is through your extractor fan/ducting. Im growing with a 600w lamp and ive got one inline extractor fan and my temps rarely go above 80. Good luck

Hello and good morning, woke up this morning and saw that the Afghan had got it's first set of five leaves, It was just a matter of being patient. Things seem to be going o.k, Just having a little trouble with the temp, getting very close to 85F and was wondering if anyone could help or advise me. I'm growing in a closet with a space of 130 x 100 x 46cm with an 125w envirolite & a tower fan. I'm thinking of getting an extractor fan or would i need 2 ? 1 to extract the heat & 1 to bring cool air in from the room ? Would i need 2 in such a small space ? If i did get 1 would it be better to use it for extracting or for putting cool air in ? Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

Red Eyed Blonde

Active Member
Cheers jc83 & dak1b for the advice and help, I will just get the 1 and get a filter and use it for extracting, should i still keep the fan in there ?


Well-Known Member
ya keep the fan, its always good to have air movement in you grow space. It helps your plants stems strengthen up and reduces the chance of mold etc.