3 Clones, off to a slow start


Well-Known Member
Hello readers.
This isn't my first grow, but it has been a while since I've done this.

What I'm growing is legal, yet I'm still a little worried about broadcasting here, with the smart phones and tracking apps these days.

Let me start off with the strains:
Chem Dawg d
Blue Mazar
Jack Herer

I bought these ladies from the store about 5 days ago, and it seems like I'm running into a few minor issues. Please know that I've read a lot on this site, done a ton of research and even purchased some videos. I'm not asking for help, just keeping this as a journal but I'm very much welcoming any advice you can throw me! I am taking this very serious and hope to have a very fun and successful hobby, with plenty of home grown medicine.

Materials / Equipment:
(2) 2' High output T-5s running 24 hours
Recipe for Success nutes (for my first harvast)
Foxfarm Soil
PH meter
Basic house fan running for 4-5 hours during peak heat hours.
4x4x8 Grow tent

The three girls: IMAG0336.jpg
I don't have pH down with this current post, but I'm using a tad bit of vinegar to bring it down (might be an issue).

Let me get to business. Starting with the first issue. The Blue Mazar seemed like a strong clone and a strain I've never heard of, so I tried it.
It's a nice green color but it seems the tips are curling down. From my research, one of the things it could be is a pH problem. (I don't make the mistake of overwatering) So yesterday, I did a flush with a bit of vinegar to even out the pH and a little bit (1/4 str) of root 66 and thrive alive. The pH was 6.2 when it went to the soil. Still hasn't seen any improvement, but it only seems to be the small new fan leaves and not the big one. Closer pic

IMAG0331.jpgCloser pic

The Chem dawg D (right of the 3) seems to be doing excellent so I'm not gonna say much about that. Perhaps its an easier strain to grow.

IMAG0333.jpgchem dawg d

Lastly the Jack Herer. It looks gross.

It has twisted leaves and hadn't seemed to have grown much in the last week. Although there are new sites slowly evolving.

Any advice is welcome. If you're just browsing through journals, thanks for reading and ill keep you posted.

Also, Im really curious about foliar feeding with nutes. I have carbonated water also, if anyone can guide me through how often and how much, it would be appreciated.

4/25 - transplated into cups and fed 1/3 str nutes
4/29 - watered with trace root 66 and thrive alive.
(I plan on using this cycle: Feed, water, water...)
Thanks again!



Well-Known Member

So I was checking the girls out and was shocked to see roots shooting out of the cup in 6 days from transplant. I needed to water the Jack Herer and wanted to check out the roots to find it was pretty much pot bound! It's interesting, it looked like it was doing bad but the roots were so great looking (milky white).

5/2/12 - Watered the Jack Herer with trace root 66 and thrive alive. pH 6.2 ---- Great root growth! (transplanting to smart pot in approximately 3 days)

5/2/12 - Watered the Blue Mazar with 'same as above'. pH 6.2 ---- Signs of growth still seems minimal, leaf tips still curling and shriveling, but roots looked excellent!
(transplanting on next water, approximately 1-2 days)

Thought about roots: How can they be pot bound in under 6 days and look better than what's growing ABOVE the soil? Was it the ONE foliar feed I did that included root 66 and thrive alive?

The Chem Dawg D still looks amazing and can see major signs of boosted growth above and below the soil line.

5/2/12 - Transplanted the Chem Dawg D into a 3 Gallon smart pot. Watered with trace amounts of BC Grow, BC Boost, Root 66, and Thrive alive. pH 5.7 in and out

Planning on foliar feeding once in approximately 3 days. I want to give the girls a chance to adapt to their new smart pot.

Now for the pictures!



Well-Known Member
Your on the right track using a smart pot...Yep I love them. Helps cure a lot of those erroneous problems.
To many people over water. Even when they think they aren't. Soon they have soil turning to Mud @ the bottom of there pot and don't even know it. Three to four inches of wet nasty stuff in the bottom of they pots. Causing all kinds of false problems like dude you need more Nitrogen, tips burning, etc.
Smart pots are good for those who love their plants to death by watering.
Better root system and lets that water @ the bottom dry up.

Here is something I do with my smart pots. I put a small block under my pot to get it off the floor. So air can get under it and help it dry up.


Well-Known Member
nice! great advice. I'm gonna try that tonight. I will be transplanting atleast one of the 2 left and put something under the pot as well. thanks for the feedback.