2x Secret Jardin DS 90 II and 2x LED Spectra Unit Special III regular


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

It's been 4 years give or take since my last indoor grow and I want to give it another try with LED lighting. The grow itself will take place in a couple of weeks, but I still have a couple of questions to which I hope to find an answer to in this forum.

My equipment:

- 2x Secret Jardin DS II 90 (3'x3'x5.3')
- 2x 365 m³ tube vents
- 2x Spectra Unit Special III regular, full power draw at 170W ( per unit specs: at a distance of 2': 16990 Lux, 690 ùmol/s/m² -> 400W HPS gives about 700 ùmol/s/m² before it starts degrading)
- Canna nutrients (grow, flower, pk13-14, rhizotonic, cannazym, flower boost, ph adjuster)
- Bluelab ph/ec combo meter

Regarding the questions, some are LED related:

- LED lighting gives of less heat so less watering is needed, but I also read that less nutes are required, like 1/2 or 1/3 of what you would give plants under HID lighting. I can't find enough info on the net regarding this, anyone with experience, any charts available?
- LED lighting is not dangerous in terms of heat output for your plants, but I read that placing a LED too close will stunt growth..how do I know what distance to use?
- I plan to put 9 plants per growspace, so 1 per square foot. How long do I veg them for optimum yield? What would you guys recommend for number of plants, veg time, seed strain etc... My goal is to get something like 18 ounces dry yield for both growspaces.

Any input is highly appreciated.




Well-Known Member
I've been looking around for a decent strain, I will be going for Critical Kush and Pineapple Chunk since both of these give a good yield.