2nd try White Rhino AG CFL Grow ***Help welcome***


Active Member
yea its funny...

I think they are receiving the new nutrients well. I dont see any new signs of nute burn. I guess Im getting the hang of this now :smile:


Active Member
Alright. This is how to do a DIY CO2 Setup for your plants : )

Now The Items you will need:
(2) Poweraid Containers(88Cents each at Wally world)
(1) Cup of sugar per bottle
(1/2) packet of Bakers Yeast per bottle
(They come in a 3 pack at wallyworld for around 2$)
Hot Tap Water

Now! The Instructions.
STEP 1:Put 1 cup of sugar in each bottle.
STEP 2:Get tap water running as hot as possible and fill bottle half way up & Shake.
STEP 3:Pour half pack of the yeast in each bottle. Put Just a bit more water to fill up bottle 3/4 of the way full & Shake.
STEP 4:Put Under/Beside plants & SWIRL STIR (NOT SHAKE!!) Every 2-3 days.

(Shaking will build pressure very fast and blow up....I still have stains on my ceiling,ha)

Now for the pics in order of the STEPS.
Feel free to ask any ?'s yall need to!


Oh and also, Do yall think I should make my own thread in the DIY section? Hopefully they would make it a sticky!


I just added one bottle of this for now just to see if it makes a difference. when I switch to flower Ill add more. Pics later

ps Giant has yeast packets 5/$2

YO SICC....what do you think of this...is it worth it or a waste of effort?


Active Member
The snow storm knocked out my internet over the weekend. Im back up now and will be posting an update in a moment.

Switched to flower, increased nutes, changed to flowering bulbs.


Active Member
I switched to 4 Dual spectrum II Flowering CFLs (85w 3000k each) that I got from Stealth Hydro

Switched from 20/4 light cycle to 12/12.

Flushed the res and changed up the nutrients for flower:

Fox Farm -
2 teaspoon Tiger Bloom
2 teaspoon Big Bloom

1 small tablet of AeroGarden nutrient tablets

Mixed a new bottle of the co2 mix (will add more bottles soon)

now for the pics

the first 6 are from friday the last 3 are from yesterday when i changed the res and switched the bulbs.

the roots are officially tangled up hopefully they make it 2 more months till harvest :weed:



Active Member
I raised the hood because the top leaves started getting yellow spots and I figured it was heat stress. Move the hood and they seem better. I think they are droopy right now just cause of all the changes yesterday. Im keeping an eye on them and watching for any other signs but it looks good so far.


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3556472]Sounds good man, i heard about that shit, crazy stuff[/QUOTE]

yea man had 2 ft of snow...but i was prepared wit a 1/2 oz of some good bud to get me through the weekend lol and papa johns was delivering through it so i was set


Well-Known Member
They look great man, keep up the good work, should have a pair of beautiful ladies and you hands :weed:


Well-Known Member
You just use plain water, in soil i feed with nute water ever time, but in hydro your first batch will be good, it will just make a heavy build up of salts n shit whats why you flush every week


Active Member
:shock: so they are growing fast as hell now. they have almost doubled their size in one week. both plants stand at around 8-8.5 inches.

they drank a half gallon in 2 days (no weekend trips for me till harvest:joint:)

they front plant was the runt that was damaged early in the grow but i guess what doesnt kill you makes you stronger:mrgreen:cause now she has surpassed her sister. I think its because she sits right on top of the airstone getting more oxygen to her roots.

I dont know if its the extra nutrients or the addition of the co2 bottle but they are loving the conditions in the closet right now:leaf:. I let it get to about 77-85 degrees in there now since with the co2 they can take higher temps. I got the ag hood at 13 inches from the top of the res.

and for your viewing pleasure.......



Active Member
looking very nice mate ive just got some white rhino seed thinking of haveing a go 2 plants in a 3ft long 3ft deep and 7 ft high room in the bedroom +rep to you mate and ill be watching with intrest keep up the good work :weed:


Active Member
"SICC" Lookin great man how long have they been flowering?


Thanks Sicc I just switched on sunday/monday so they are on day 3 now... I couldnt have made it outta the 1st couple weeks of veg without ya. Thanks again.

brian0812 looking very nice mate ive just got some white rhino seed thinking of haveing a go 2 plants in a 3ft long 3ft deep and 7 ft high room in the bedroom +rep to you mate and ill be watching with intrest keep up the good work

Thanks B, yea the White Rhino is a good strain not too hard to grow... this is my 1st grow and I only had 1 set back so far and it looks like smooth sailing from here on out.

get a journal up when you get a chance and Ill watch yours too


Active Member

brian0812 looking very nice mate ive just got some white rhino seed thinking of haveing a go 2 plants in a 3ft long 3ft deep and 7 ft high room in the bedroom +rep to you mate and ill be watching with intrest keep up the good work

Thanks B, yea the White Rhino is a good strain not too hard to grow... this is my 1st grow and I only had 1 set back so far and it looks like smooth sailing from here on out.

get a journal up when you get a chance and Ill watch yours too

i may just do that mate its my first grow as well so im gonna watch your,s for now see how things go with it get an idea on how the plant grows and so on and i wanna know how the smell is mate please mate keep up the good work :joint: