2nd try White Rhino AG CFL Grow ***Help welcome***


Active Member
:cuss:OK so my F-ing furnace gave out in the middle of a freakin BLIZZARD:cuss:

so its cold as :cuss: in my house. the lights are keeping it about 75 degress in my closet with my plants (i should just sit in there). But Im worried about tonight when its supposed to hit the teens outside and with no heat for my house I hope it doesnt get to cold in here for my plants, my dog and myself.

How cold is tooooo cold for white rhino???? its 55% Indica (i read that indicas take cold a lil better)


Well-Known Member
I think they should be able to bounce back from anything above 40-50 degrees, Your dog will be fine in the cold he has fur so if I was you id put him on some sheets in the livin room and id crash with the plants.


Active Member
ok its 47 degrees in the closet and lights just came on. hopefully the plants will be ok. its like 40 deg in the rest of the house..cold as a mutha


Active Member
Way to make it through the up and downs. Found your thread looking for info on the WR good stuff keep em growing. One question, I also use the Foxfarm GB,BB,TB but its the dirt version. Your "Day 45 Flower update" said that you used 1tsp of Grow Big. OHHH WOW Ok so before I finished this post I checked the FF Hydro schedule and HYDRO uses Grow big all the way through. Soil doesnt do that. OK Well Fuckin A, answers my question. Im High!~ So Im thinking White Rhino for my next order. Ok another stoner question you probably already answered once. Where did you get the White Rhino from?


Active Member
Way to make it through the up and downs. Found your thread looking for info on the WR good stuff keep em growing. One question, I also use the Foxfarm GB,BB,TB but its the dirt version. Your "Day 45 Flower update" said that you used 1tsp of Grow Big. OHHH WOW Ok so before I finished this post I checked the FF Hydro schedule and HYDRO uses Grow big all the way through. Soil doesnt do that. OK Well Fuckin A, answers my question. Im High!~ So Im thinking White Rhino for my next order. Ok another stoner question you probably already answered once. Where did you get the White Rhino from?

:lol: I wish I was High...stuck in this blizzard with no heat & no supply. sux when I have an immature plant in the closet begging to be sampled lol

I got my seeds (fem) from Here They came with 5 freebies too super silver haze