2nd Indoor Grow-Blueberry Skunk, Aurora Indica, Couple Hybrids


Well-Known Member
still not sure if the last 2 are girls. hopefully.
yeah I hope so too!

my two Purple Kush x Purple Romulan Oracle 4 weeks into flowering!!

mmm mm good!:weed:

yo yo superman hope you like
oh yeah I definitely like man..nice looking plants..again thanks and I am looking forward to that purple..cant wait to see more pics!..maybe next time you can resize them a little bigger if possible..i couldnt get them to blow up when I clicked on them..but its all cool cause I can see the nice buds on them!


Well-Known Member
yeah I hope so too!

oh yeah I definitely like man..nice looking plants..again thanks and I am looking forward to that purple..cant wait to see more pics!..maybe next time you can resize them a little bigger if possible..i couldnt get them to blow up when I clicked on them..but its all cool cause I can see the nice buds on them!

yo yo sorry here is the new journal updat man! the link below!

https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/137069-crippledguys-down-4-weeks-flowering.html :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yo yo man just had a lowryder #2 sprout after 5 days!!

damn all the others have been in the soil!!

but really excited!


New Member
whats the stain girl?...

or i mean WOMEN!kiss-ass
hey crip! its bagseed from some dank. it was great stuff when i smoked it but had seeds obviously. the bigger one still hasnt sexed yet. im hoping any day now. i believe its pure indica though. the bigger one is showing signs of a sativa/indica mix but im not totally sure. check it out and throw some input my way. thanks!


Well-Known Member
Sup superman!! Your grow was some good shit...I just read your whole thread baked as shit haha. Im sry but Ps3 all the way man =P Of course Im a RPG man all the way...unless im baked or with someone then I love madden or shooting games and whatnot..I jus get bored with em by my self unless there RPG's lol. Course football is my true love in life hehe. I play on a semi pro team and its so fun. Ya...im baked as shit right now...just rambling, not trying to blow up your thread. I really enjoyed reading your grow though...got real absorbed. I live in Texas my self..by Ft. Worth...I love the people here...but miss my home state AK. Moved here 3 years ago after I graduated to play football. I got a grow going right now...ghetto ass rubbermaid bagseed grow from some Mexican brick shwag weed...(nasty shit I only use for hash) Its actually turned out pretty nice...taking FOREVER and I mean FOREVER to flower...but should be some good smoke when its done. But ya...since now you know my life story imma pass out rofl. Take care and stay fly bro, ill be watching your other grows.



Well-Known Member
yo yo man just had a lowryder #2 sprout after 5 days!!

damn all the others have been in the soil!!

but really excited!
heck yeah man! yeah I am not sure how the germ rate will be..hopefully you will see some more sprout..let me know if not..but yeah LR2 is some good easy to grow weed..i still have some left I will smoke here and there and it knocks me on my butt!

hi superman!! hey one of my plants has shown sex. ITS A GIRL!!!!! cant wait for the other to show fem parts!
Congrats pirate!!!:mrgreen:..thats awesome..its always nice to see those pistols!..I hope your other plant shows soon..let me know! other than that hows life?

Sup superman!! Your grow was some good shit...I just read your whole thread baked as shit haha. Im sry but Ps3 all the way man =P Of course Im a RPG man all the way...unless im baked or with someone then I love madden or shooting games and whatnot..I jus get bored with em by my self unless there RPG's lol. Course football is my true love in life hehe. I play on a semi pro team and its so fun. Ya...im baked as shit right now...just rambling, not trying to blow up your thread. I really enjoyed reading your grow though...got real absorbed. I live in Texas my self..by Ft. Worth...I love the people here...but miss my home state AK. Moved here 3 years ago after I graduated to play football. I got a grow going right now...ghetto ass rubbermaid bagseed grow from some Mexican brick shwag weed...(nasty shit I only use for hash) Its actually turned out pretty nice...taking FOREVER and I mean FOREVER to flower...but should be some good smoke when its done. But ya...since now you know my life story imma pass out rofl. Take care and stay fly bro, ill be watching your other grows.

Hey wazzup!! thanks for the interest in my grow! everyone is welcome and I am glad that you enjoyed reading it..i was high as a kite last night too..i hadn't smoked in a couple weeks and hit up a bowl of my original haze x skunk #1..some great stuff..at first is was like i was blacking out..lol..not in a bad way..but i was pretty dang high...but Texas huh? thats sweet..I miss good ol San Antonio..awesome place!..so you from AZ? ive drove through parts of it..so you have some mexican hash going right now huh? sounds like an excellent smoke!..do you have a grow log going on it? if so I'd love to see it!..but yeah keep it real and have some good Holidays!


Well-Known Member
hey crip! its bagseed from some dank. it was great stuff when i smoked it but had seeds obviously. the bigger one still hasnt sexed yet. im hoping any day now. i believe its pure indica though. the bigger one is showing signs of a sativa/indica mix but im not totally sure. check it out and throw some input my way. thanks!

ight ill check it out, where can i find it women?


Well-Known Member
Ahahaha I was so high last night....G-13 is amazing. Im gonna smoke this last bit of G-13 and eat some of my homegrown shrooms. Gonna be a crazy night!!! Im growing some bagseeds...its not mexican hash its some nasty ass brick weed. We call it shwag here in Texas. Its mass grown in mexico then compressed into bricks and brought into the U.S. Its real nasty shit...but dirt cheap so I just use it to make hash...all its good for. It tastes HORRIBLE and gives me a headache if I try and smoke it. Its full of seeds and stems and bone dry. The plants im growing from it are nice though. I got 3 diff ones. I got a skunky one that I call Skunky Girl, I got a fruity smelling one I call Fruity Tooty, and the third dont have much smell at all and I call it mystery girl. I put em all on 12/12 at same time but they all started flowering 3 weeks between eachother lol. Skunky girl flowerd first, Fruity TOoty showed her first pistils 3 weeks later and Mystery girl showed her first hairs about 2 1/2 weeks after fruity tooty. Skunky girl has about 2 more weeks left. Its a small micro grow with cfls. The link is https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/98892-newbs-first-grow-12-12-a-8.html#post1725298

Ya im living in Texas, but I grew up in Alaska not Arizona. I moved here when I graduated H/S to play college Football. I play on a semi pro team now and its the main reason I still live in Texas. I miss the freedom and outdoors of AK =/. I havnt met many people around my age (21) that smoke weed and are chill. The ones ive met are either real immature and annoying or just boring lmao. But ya...Check out my ghetto ass rubbermaid grow lol. Take it ez bud.



Well-Known Member
Ahahaha I was so high last night....G-13 is amazing. Im gonna smoke this last bit of G-13 and eat some of my homegrown shrooms. Gonna be a crazy night!!! Im growing some bagseeds...its not mexican hash its some nasty ass brick weed. We call it shwag here in Texas. Its mass grown in mexico then compressed into bricks and brought into the U.S. Its real nasty shit...but dirt cheap so I just use it to make hash...all its good for. It tastes HORRIBLE and gives me a headache if I try and smoke it. Its full of seeds and stems and bone dry. The plants im growing from it are nice though. I got 3 diff ones. I got a skunky one that I call Skunky Girl, I got a fruity smelling one I call Fruity Tooty, and the third dont have much smell at all and I call it mystery girl. I put em all on 12/12 at same time but they all started flowering 3 weeks between eachother lol. Skunky girl flowerd first, Fruity TOoty showed her first pistils 3 weeks later and Mystery girl showed her first hairs about 2 1/2 weeks after fruity tooty. Skunky girl has about 2 more weeks left. Its a small micro grow with cfls. The link is https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/98892-newbs-first-grow-12-12-a-8.html#post1725298

Ya im living in Texas, but I grew up in Alaska not Arizona. I moved here when I graduated H/S to play college Football. I play on a semi pro team now and its the main reason I still live in Texas. I miss the freedom and outdoors of AK =/. I havnt met many people around my age (21) that smoke weed and are chill. The ones ive met are either real immature and annoying or just boring lmao. But ya...Check out my ghetto ass rubbermaid grow lol. Take it ez bud.

awesome dude! i would love to try some G-13!..i bet your were pretty dang stoned..shrooms huh..man I try to stay away from those things..i had a bad bad..um bad experience on those as a teen..i was stupid and ate way to many..very bad trip...but you live an you learn..im sure your very responsible with them..unlike me when i tried them..but cool I will check out your grow for sure..so some shwag huh..thats just funny sounding..but after your description its a perfect term..its probably like the grass that clunks off your lawnmower in those huge chunks.lol..

and yeah I was way off on the state abreviation huh..Alaska would be a much better place to live than Arizona..plus ol' Palin is a hotty..i bet you could grow a pretty nice grow un-noticed up there..but its my understanding that you are allowed to have a certain amount of weed up there regardless of medical or not..is that true?

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
loooking good so far, ur doing well. good luck with the rest of the grow i will be keeping an eye out.check my journal if you get time (page 20 for latest bud pics)


Well-Known Member
Ahahaha I was so high last night....G-13 is amazing. Im gonna smoke this last bit of G-13 and eat some of my homegrown shrooms. Gonna be a crazy night!!! Im growing some bagseeds...its not mexican hash its some nasty ass brick weed. We call it shwag here in Texas. Its mass grown in mexico then compressed into bricks and brought into the U.S. Its real nasty shit...but dirt cheap so I just use it to make hash...all its good for. It tastes HORRIBLE and gives me a headache if I try and smoke it. Its full of seeds and stems and bone dry. The plants im growing from it are nice though. I got 3 diff ones. I got a skunky one that I call Skunky Girl, I got a fruity smelling one I call Fruity Tooty, and the third dont have much smell at all and I call it mystery girl. I put em all on 12/12 at same time but they all started flowering 3 weeks between eachother lol. Skunky girl flowerd first, Fruity TOoty showed her first pistils 3 weeks later and Mystery girl showed her first hairs about 2 1/2 weeks after fruity tooty. Skunky girl has about 2 more weeks left. Its a small micro grow with cfls. The link is https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/98892-newbs-first-grow-12-12-a-8.html#post1725298

Ya im living in Texas, but I grew up in Alaska not Arizona. I moved here when I graduated H/S to play college Football. I play on a semi pro team now and its the main reason I still live in Texas. I miss the freedom and outdoors of AK =/. I havnt met many people around my age (21) that smoke weed and are chill. The ones ive met are either real immature and annoying or just boring lmao. But ya...Check out my ghetto ass rubbermaid grow lol. Take it ez bud.

straight up i hope it was the real G-13 man! i would truly bow to your presents! haha.

G-13 is one of the most common strain with hybrids! Its mixed wityh jsut about every strain out there.

but shit all the credit to you man!

how was the smoke?

what did you smoke it out of?

was it outdoor, indoor, organic, hydro, greenhouse?

how was the taste?

how was the high, how long?

was it dried and cured properly?



Well-Known Member
..i bet you could grow a pretty nice grow un-noticed up there..but its my understanding that you are allowed to have a certain amount of weed up there regardless of medical or not..is that true?
Ya you can hide stuff so ez... The forest is so dense...unless you live in town then its alot harder. Yes you can legally (medical or not aslong as your 18) have up to 1 oz and 23 plants in your house. A plant in bud is considered a plant...only dried buds are considerd in the 1 oz.

straight up i hope it was the real G-13 man! i would truly bow to your presents! haha.

G-13 is one of the most common strain with hybrids! Its mixed wityh jsut about every strain out there.

but shit all the credit to you man!

how was the smoke?

The smoke was very smooth and ez on the lungs.

what did you smoke it out of?

See picture. Her name is spirt lady( I came up with the name while tripping on some shrooms ahha. I bought it and that night I ate some shrooms and that whole trip was a mission to find a name for the bong). crazy ass night.

was it outdoor, indoor, organic, hydro, greenhouse?

A friend got it from an old friend of his that lives in Florida.

how was the taste?

citrusy and piney

how was the high, how long?

It was a crazy ass high...I had a massive body high...I felt like 10x as heavy...but yet I had so much energy at the same time...lol Id say it was the best of both worlds....Couchlock body high w/o the couchlock and with the sativa fun energetic, everything is amazingly fun type high.

was it dried and cured properly?

It was very sticky and smelled real fruity

