2nd Grow


Well-Known Member
Lookin good mane:D Are you on Day 28ish? J/w because I have a Royal Hash somewhere around that age. More peepz to comparez with WOOTz ;) Happy growing


Well-Known Member
what up mineralz yeah it is day 28 from seed good guess bro! your grow is lookin great dude. you wanna know something man whats weird is that on this board tons of people state that the rez water cannot exceed 70 degrees or Ill get root rot and so far nothin (cross my fingers hope this doesnt jinx me or I'll look stupid) , cause my rez is like at a constant 80 degreees and so far so good, but then again I dont know much of long term damage but just wanted to add my amateurish 2 cents, one thing I can definetly say is that the mycorrhizae i believe is beneficial because I have seen nothing but good results so far , My roots are getting thicker by day.thanks for watching mineralz and all who are watching.


Well-Known Member
I now know why my last grow was a complete failure I added that stupid ass the headies bloom enhancer is granulated and I thought that it would dissolve in the rez but naw it was sitting at the bottom making my roots all slimy and shit , it was like adding chunks of sugar and letting it sit there for 7 days at a time whoops oh well now I know , oh and also I didnt have a ph meter so everyday I would add like 10 drops of ph down (I know MEGA STUPID!) and now I know that I rarely add because its most of the time at a constant rate but damn these ak48 eat nutes like theres no tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Supz sleep. Lulz bout the nutes. I understand completely. My ladiez are startin to all-you-can-eat as well HA. 80F in your rez sounds pretty high man. Be careful with it. Algae love that shiz and once the temps get so high your plants wont eat because of lockout and such. Frozen water bottles help. 65-70 is optimum I guess. Just lookin out for ya man...I'd hate to see your grow go south if you could prevent it now ya know? I dont know everything by ANY means as I'm on my very first grow myself, but with this kind of chiba its better to be safe than sorriez. Happy growin mane! I'll check back for sure. Thanx for visiting my thread :D


Well-Known Member
thanks mineralz yeah your right better to be safe then sorry or ill be bitch smacking myself later......LOL will be starting flowering next week there at 13 inches already less than a month


Well-Known Member
Nice. I'm gonna wait 2 more weeks before I switch to 12/12. Had to let the females catch up ;) 13" in a month is dopeshiz man especially when you check them every day and there are OBVIOUS signs of growth from literally everywhere. Love DWC. So glad I made that choice lulz. Im looking forward to seein yur girls in flower :D


Well-Known Member
hey guys another update here i started flowering mode about almost two days ago and so far they are doing great and at about 15 inches the two front plants and 9 inches the puny one in the back , remember i started the third one a week and a half later after the other ones , there all doing great though . Oh i also added a fan for air circulation.



Well-Known Member
another update the front two are at 20 inches and the one in the back is 16 inches they have been in flower so far for 5 days and so far so good.... well peeps just writing to update if you guys have any comments please feel free , by the way mineralz thanks for the help on the frozen bottles , ive been doing it the past five days and I definetly believe it has helped the roots thanks again mate.



Well-Known Member
Whats up sleep!? :D Girlz are looking nice. No probs about the water bottle man. I'm going to be starting an actual cycle with at least 1 bottle per tank her soon. Little chill neva hurt nything I dont believe ;) Based on your posts the ladiez have grown like 6-7" in 2-3 days!? Thats nuts man! Nice work!


Well-Known Member
Sup mineralz your grow is lookin good man ! Yeah

Well let me correct my previous measurement the front two are 19 approximately and the back one is at 15 inches i remeasured and apparently i must of started measuring yesterday at the 1 inch mark , but yeah 4 to 5 inches in four days that is correct man yeah i remember my last grow when i started the flowering process they were at 12 inches and at the end of harvest 2 months later they were at 3 feet 9 inches so yeah they grow like midgets on crack ...lol ( hope i didnt offend anyone) . Mineralz thanks again man for the comments and keep up the good work man, laterz


Well-Known Member
As you guys can see here is the beginning of how the flowering is coming along as you can see in two of the pics the small two very very little white hairs , and also some other pics I tooks of them today , they are coming along nicely .


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys i appreciate your comments and im crossing my fingers that this grow continues to flourish with no hiccups in the way, 7 more weeks to go im researching and trying my best thanks .