2nd Grow


Well-Known Member
hey people , second medicinal grow here , my first grow taught me hell of a lot and so did all you guys so im back at it again , so far this is the beginning of my second week (8th day) from seed and already i have placed my seedlings in buckets with just ph 6.0 water with airstones , base of netpots touching water with a level of hydroton . this time i have my first grow tent (these things are lovely) (just in case this is a medicinal grow , not for friends or not for selling purposes just personal consumption). Using a 400 conversion mh bulb on 400 watt ballast later for flowering will convert to hps light . have a supernova hood connected to a 4'' 170 cfm inline fan taking hot aircooled hood air out and also a small 4'' bypass fan rated at 80cfm bringing air in from the bottom of the tent anyways people let me know what you think , i will try very hard to update but i must find time due to family and work restraints. thank you helpful growers for your intrest and see ya laters.

Oh also i got my first ph pen man I hope this thing is what will make this second grow easier .



Well-Known Member
Lookin good! Im usin Bubbleponics for my 1st grow and wow...all I gotta say. You got it figured out ;) Keep us posted


Well-Known Member
4 days later , no nutes yet just plain ph'd water still , plus i added one more that sprouted two days ago and just today has started to expand its two small leafs (i know you can barely see it but its there sorry for the dark pics) on saturday I will start about with 1/8 of nutrient strength on the two bigger ones , so far so good.



Well-Known Member
Looks great!! Nice and Clean. What's the strain? I'm gonna be watching this one. Can't wait to see those babies in 3-4 months. +Rep & Sub'd.


Well-Known Member
Well heres 3 days later after my last post , they are doing wonderful and so is the baby seedling he's got roots to already coming out of the netpot. anyways also guys I bought this Plant Success fungi enhancer for roots and from what I hear its sopposed to help out a bit , i am showing you guys my root mass without it and in a few days i will post a few pictures to see how its gone anyways people enjoy the pics....oh i forgot to mention that i have added already about 1/5th of nutrient two days ago to the two bigger ones and none yet on the baby oh and this is ak48 grow feminized seeds


Well-Known Member
thanks beaver , for the compliment .. im doing good but looking at your latest grow I got lots to learn your latest is perfect i must say


Well-Known Member
Hey guys well two days after my last update and DAMN they are taking OFF! little by little I am amazed how better I am starting off in this grow . Anyways peeps thanks for all the help I I will keep you posted oh and that plant success looks like its maybe helping because I have had it on them for 2 days and they have given no sign of dislike to it. Ill continue to keep you guys posted.



Well-Known Member
thanks mineralz yeah Im noticing compared to my last grow that this one is short but buff thanks to the metal halide conversion bulb im using good thing i decided to invest in this now it wont look like the internodes are like a foot away from eachother


Well-Known Member
Damn man looking good think imma sub up on this one and watch what you got going on.. By the way you deffinatly should get some reflective duct tape and put it on the top of that white bucket lid. From what i can see that lid will seap light right through which would cause algea and then root rot so just tape it up and easy fix. Rep +


Well-Known Member
thanks pen on the comment , will try to definetly put some duct on that lid once i have the time. well guys heres another update on the the grow three days later ...........Yes this is life on speed dial.......




Well-Known Member
Damn i see you are really going to fall in love with this new dwc your growth looks great keep up the good work!!