2nd grow incoming need screen help


Active Member
12 5 gallon buckets in 3 rows of 4 . 600 ,1000 and 400 over the top of them . what would best height from top of my buckets for the screen be ? I am looking for more yield then first grow . I'll take some photo's of first grow buds and grow room after i set this screen up .

I have 5 sky walker

3 pit bull
2 AK47
1 Blue dream this time around . Any Advise would be great I ask that we just keep it positive . I am full aware that i have much to learn and take advise well .


Well-Known Member
Its really personal preference. As far as yield goes, its all about canopy space. When Ive done scrogs I like to set the plants into flower pretty early. So my screen is usually pretty low, only about 12-14 inches above the pot. But the higher you have it the longer it will take to veg and fill in underneath the canopy. I don't know in your case, 5 gallon buckets, you could place the screen 20 inches above pots approx and veg for probably a couple months. Hope that helps

PEACE :blsmoke:


Active Member
here is the room updated for this grow Screen1.jpganother pic Scr2.jpg I will be use the botanicare line .

Here we go .