2nd Grow. Big Mama and her babies.


Active Member
some chunky buds who are just LOVING the increased light exposure :)

bonsai plant. 70 days. feels really dense.

some Malawi gold waving hello to truepunk :D

critical jack performing well for me right off the bat. 20 hour germ, 48 hour tap and sprout. so proud :)


Active Member
too big of a bucket for now? maybe.. but who cares. 1.5 gallon hempy. will probably put like 5 more in sometime soon.
Berry Bomb will be a beast.



Active Member
Veg cab. the GDP finally popped in the bottom right corner. but the OG #18 never cracked in the towel. upsetting.

afghani Peshawar doing it's landrace sativa thing already lol.

and critical jack here was started 4 days after these others but it's catching up fast. I picked this one because i think it will be the best for my small garden and techniques :) it seems to have some great vigor so far. can't wait to see how this one pans out.


Active Member
Well Thank ya :) i'm gonna put the Malawi Gold and Afghani into the closet for 12/12 i believe, especially cuz they're all sativas! and i'll hit them to each other anyway. all the fems i'm gonna load up in the trash cans and veg out.


Active Member
i LOVE how it's so bright that you can't tell wtf is going on in there. but it's obvious i just put a bunch of seedlings in the closet. lol



Active Member
2 out of the 4 fems in buckets and taped up. gotta pick up more perlite and hydroton. so later this week it'll be done. I put 4 Afghani, 2 Malawi Gold and 1 (fem) Critical Jack in the closet for 12/12.
The berry bomb, cheese, critical #47 and other critical jack are gonna be vegged out and take clones off of. The others in the closet i'll just seed out.



Active Member
anyone use hydroton for the bottom layer in their hempy buckets? I think i'm gonna try it on the other two buckets. It should hold a lot more water in the res that way. i wonder if the roots would love it or not?


Active Member
Well my beans finally started falling out of that one pollinated bud. apparently i did a good job of seeding that entire nug lol. i've pulled out 21, and see 5 more. when it's fully dried i'll recount. now we just have to see if they pop. then I can say my test breed was successful!


Active Member
sooo. after changing out the filter. my closet is sitting a lot lower than before. and i think i'm getting some purple buds because of it but i'm not sure! I've been growing this same clone for a while now and haven't seen this yet.

and here's the seeded nug that used to be attached to ^^that plant^^. 34 bean in the small nug. 29 of them are mature and perfect. sweet.


Well-Known Member
cold temps will cause it, thats what it looks like to me tho.

props on the seed just make sure you label em and keep track of lineage.


Active Member
ha unfortunately it will only be labeled "bag cheese x unknown bagger" My actual strains haven't matured yet. I will however plant a few of these and keep any that look like the cheese. just as my first experiment :)

so the purp from cold isn't bad is it? temps in the bottom of the closet are now sitting at 78 high, 66 low.


Active Member
Veg cab: Berry Bomb, Critical Jack, Cheese, Critical 47 and GDP in the middle. Gonna be putting Silver LA in the middle in a big bucket here soon.