2nd Grow bag seed


Active Member
So my first grow had three plants all turned out to be male bad luck i guess. So my second grow i did 7 plants and 3 turned out to be female. I can not wait to harvest my baby's just so i can actually feel like i did a grow. My lights are CFLs around 800w of multi spectrum.

Well anyway here are my girls you might notice that once looks a lot bushier then the other to i don't know why they all get treated the same any advice is always welcome



Well-Known Member
at the seedling stage, i dont think your plants got enough light. that would explain why there all strechy and thin.

dont get too excited about a fat harvest, id say youd be lucky to get an eight or 5g dry off of all three of those plants

for a second grow, first successful grow, you didnt do too bad. atleast youll get some free bud at the end of all this


Active Member
Its probably a mix of things why my plants don't look great. I need more lights for sure id love a 400w mh/hps. the dirt i bought was cheap shit for like 2 bucks at wal-mart. The bushy big plant that looks the best was in a solo cup for the first 4 weeks of its life lol till i realized it was female and my other 4 were boys. As for the Harvest id be happy with a bowel pack just so i can say i actually did a grow this time.


Active Member
I got a question if anyone wants to answer i have been flowering for about 3 weeks how much longer will i flower for like 6 more weeks?


Well-Known Member
i would get those lights way closer, looks you have decent lights but not close enough. You can use wally world soil but it just makes it easier to burn aka dont gives nutes for like two months. with those lights you should be able to get some decent results. Oh i think that is 800w in replacement to incandescent bulbs. Get a fan blowin on those plants too. Keep up the work and you will be happy.


Active Member
so i just moved me lights so they are about half an inch from touching plants and you can see in the pic but i have right outside the closet door blowing in. thanks for the reply


Well-Known Member
good stuff. if i were you i would put all your cfls around the bigger budding plant, you could still get some decent bud if you give it lots of light its got mad time left.


Active Member
Hey thanks platipy i did what you said and put all but two bulbs surrounding the bigger plant of the three so i can try to get some more out of it. thanks for the advice ill post another couple pics around Wednesday


Active Member
Alright so my girls have been flowering now for about 6 almost 7 weeks no i was wondering if anyone could tell me maybe how much longer they will take id guess three weeks but then again I have never done this lol anyway here are some new pics shes gained weight i think
