2nd grow 1000w tangerine dream, tga,dna,g-13 seeds too!


Active Member
where did he go? havent heard anything from him recently.

ya im hopefully gunna have space to make a mini air floor but no roof vent but the light will be vented.
he is the reason i chose to do aero pots this run.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Guys! There has been a murder!

It was me... I killed...

The Re-Tard.

It was struggling, wasn't drinking a lot of water.. and seemed very unstable overall.. I decided to cut it down, and use the extra space... the extra space is great :clap: the plants are going to LOVE it. I'm thinking 3 is the magic number with the space I have. 3 really nice ones.

Last moments with the light... you can see how scrawny it is.

"the retard" closeups... unstable genetics at play here.

And here are the good ones!

The indica, getting some nice strong tops coming soon

Number One. Doing good still, lots of tight node spacing & a BUNCH of tops getting ready to take over the canopy

Sativas in the back, check out that thing. I don't think I got any closeups of that though




Active Member
gotta say one thing verde flower that sativa bitch early! mine still hasn't shown sex and its already at least doubled in height and shows no stopping, crazy amount of stretch hopefully i can control that with breeding in the real nice cq male =P

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member

are you training it down at all?

I am, I just did a nice training session. I tied each main branch down to pot level... I'm going to let the tops continue to grow out a little and then grow them up.. by then there should be some nice branching through the middle

Pretty much working them for an even canopy now... this is getting reallly cool they're getting nice


Yesterday (day 27), just before lights off.

Brought the light down a fair bit ;)

There's a lot of node spacing with the sativa, it's hella stretchy for sure. I feel like it will be a great plant though. This is why I got rid of the other plant... so the sativa could grow out and I could train it more..

By the way, look at the 'Number One' plant... doesn't that node spacing indicate maturity? I didn't think it's possible but the nodes are spaced staggered... rather than right against eachother.. right? :?



Active Member
becareful with training like that pulling them tops down just a lil too hard made a few split from my stems, just a heads up they look great tho!
nope not training at all except for the little tiedown i gave them in the beginning, but that lil tiedown casued her to put out 2 more tops of equal height.
she also stretched a foot in a week!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
becareful with training like that pulling them tops down just a lil too hard made a few split from my stems, just a heads up they look great tho!
nope not training at all except for the little tiedown i gave them in the beginning, but that lil tiedown casued her to put out 2 more tops of equal height.
she also stretched a foot in a week!
oh yeah I'm aware & careful... which is why I do it while the main branches are bendy and not huge and thick.. I gradually bent it down, then flattened it, then tied it down... im bringing the tops down past the plant a little like hobbes did on the big sativa to fill out the space



Active Member
dude that thing is ridiculous! would be awesome and ya its like a 200% stretch with the sativa pheno the indica girl is already showing hairs.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
dude that thing is ridiculous! would be awesome and ya its like a 200% stretch with the sativa pheno the indica girl is already showing hairs.

damn okay lol I will try to keep them as short as possible... your saying they get 2x as tall or 3x as tall?


Active Member
3x as tall since mines still getting taller by the day its making me have to raise my light agghh it was pretty short when i started flowering, bout 12in or so now its at least past 2 feet since it has 6 inches on the other guys a whole foot taller than the topped girls.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
damn man :lol: I will take my chances with the training! I want to veg them out and let their branches get started a bit more before I flip the switch! I figure, in the last 3-4 weeks I can always take the inline fan out of the tent and put it above if I have to... so I'm not absolutely worried but I'd rather not deal with that

Hoping for some sick bushes man :) What do you think so far?


Active Member
im thinking so far they gunna be some nice fat ass beezy's. lookin great and looks like u know what ur doin with the training. i cant wait to see how yours turn out.


Active Member
ya just about to run another tube too!
wish u could partake tastes exactly like the bud it came from which tastes and smells like fruit loops lol.


Active Member
Damn fine looking oil Bet its tasty four more weeks and I hit the target date for the BBGs if i go by the 50 day flowering.Well been 6 days since pics on the 4th so heres the Pic update.
First up is the TD she is doing awesome showing hairs and bulking up colors are still tropical wild but she doesnt show any deficiencies in growth keeping a close watch on her though to late in the game to lose her now.
grow pics update 3-10-11 004.jpggrow pics update 3-10-11 013.jpggrow pics update 3-10-11 005.jpggrow pics update 3-10-11 006.jpg

next up is my topped BBG she is going very well and budding up nice
grow pics update 3-10-11 003.jpg

And of course the monster which is coming along nicely," Can you say follow the yellow bud road"? I gotta say Verde is pretty good coach with the LST and i think the spiral is well under way.
grow pics update 3-10-11 010.jpggrow pics update 3-10-11 009.jpggrow pics update 3-10-11 007.jpggrow pics update 3-10-11 002.jpggrow pics update 3-10-11 008.jpggrow pics update 3-10-11 012.jpggrow pics update 3-10-11 011.jpggrow pics update 3-10-11 001.jpg


Active Member
I warned you guys the td's would stretch. I've been in Jamaica for the last week and someone has been watching the ladies for me. He says the td's grew more and he had to raise the lights during the 4th week of flower.

I'll post more detail when I get a chance.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yeah but one foot to two feet is pretty normal.. I'm prepared for a 3x stretch! :)

The ladies are really taking to the training ill be posting pics in a few days.. probably flowering by next weekend


Active Member
I warned you guys the td's would stretch. I've been in Jamaica for the last week and someone has been watching the ladies for me. He says the td's grew more and he had to raise the lights during the 4th week of flower.

I'll post more detail when I get a chance.
yes you did lol, but stilll looking to be some nice buds
the c-13 im surprised looks like its gunna be more weight from side buds then top buds. lol

missing seeing my girls day 2 of being away and its killer. ya well hopefully it has slowed its stretch down by the time i get back
cant wait for some pics!

and verde omg i cant take any pics to post to your thread, but i just picked up a 1/8th split between some skywalker og and some purple elephant....
freeking orgasmic buds

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Full update exclusive to your thread ;)

I snapped a branch the other day on the sativa.. broke my rule was training like 20 mins after watering - should have waited 2 hours... branch just snapped, but not all the way, I secured it the best I could & the skin was lined up well... The branch looked half dead, but has picked up this morning as I hoped :clap: Opened it's leaves back up to the light. This is the second time something like this has happened on the sativa, it's the only plant I have had issues with training.. Be careful with the sativas folks!

I also watered yesterday with my nute solution... basically started my basic GROW, and BOOST nutes at 1/4 strength, added in full strength MagiCal (2.5mL), 6mL root 66, and full strength thrive alive (2.5mL) all per gallon h2o

They seemed to have really like that, except the sativa LOL! Shes pretty much slowed/haulted growth in the last few days from the branch snap, again she seems to be coming out of it

Other than that, other two plants are looking fantastic I'm hoping I can keep that sativa down!

Lots and Lots and LOTS of progress in the last 5 days, they have nearly tripled, or quadropled in foliage..

Note: I will put a day 27 pic in there for comparison, dont be confused!

Last bit of info:

I totally figured out my calcium deficiency. Or a highly contributing factor LOL. My pH meter was reading my tap water at 8.8 and I was like, wooooooah what the fuck it should be 8.3... so I busted out my calibration fluid sachets, calibrated it and POW it turns out i've been watering with 5.8 balance! Definitely results in cal lockout at that level!

I went to the store, for flood treys, and pH calibration solution in the bottles but they had none. So i've been hesitant to bust out my sachets, but I'm glad I finally did... They seem to not be 'choking' so much now they look way better than they did!
5 day difference

Day 27

Day 32



Oh, snap!

No but seriously that whole section was hanging by a thread literally

