2C-E (trip report / summary)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
You need to take 25mg orally to really appreciate what this substance is about. too good.
I insufflated bout 7mg's earlier.. pretty sure I got the gist of it ;-) (granted that would put me orally at about 17.5mg's according to erowid). Shit gets intense!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
The Experience Is Just Way Different When You Insufflate. That's All.
I could imagine. My trip last night was extremely intense!

We were watching scenes from Pink Floyd The Wall.. it was trippy as all fuck dude! Then we watched some tool video that was also quite messed. Ended up throwin on some good ol' Lemon Jelly - Nice Weather For Ducks made us laugh hysterically for the entire duration with an immense feeling of happiness! Then threw on Lemon Jelly - Stay With You, which was amazing! The lyrics, the music, the simplistic music video, it made out for a chill, peaceful, happy trip :-)

After watching a variety of shit I hed back upstairs to lay down (granted I couldn't sleep), my brain had turned into a kaleidoscope (beautiful CEV's) which led me into thinking extremely deeply! I actually managed to get into my head about something that has been bothering me for years that I had kind of repressed. Realizing what was bothering me yesterday, made today an amazing day to simply wake up to.

^ ~7mg insufflated


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3588858]why not just say you snorted the shit?[/QUOTE]
He did say that.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
[QUOTE="SICC";3588858]why not just say you snorted the shit?[/QUOTE]

uhm.. I don't know? Is it not the proper term?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
[QUOTE="SICC";3589064]no he said he insufflated not snorted lol

its just a joke anyways smoke a bowl...[/QUOTE]

If it would please you sweet tits, on my next report I'll use the word 'snorted', just for you ;-) hehe

mach 5

As I was reading some of the reports in this thread i felt like a should share some of mine. My first 2C-E experience was rather intense started with 25 milligrams orally and an additional 5 milligrams insuflated. Within ten minutes everything around me began breathing and melting with a mild buzzing in my ears I felt the need to use the restroom where i spent the next 10 or so minutes of my rapid come up noticing the wood grain around me dancing beautifully. I spent the next several hours adapting to my new environment, playing with glowsticks, and listening to music. Around 4 hours in i felt comfortable enough to see what else the drug can offer so another 15 milligram dose was insuflated... This brought me to a new level in my mind the body load is almost unbearable at times I lie down on the couch and sink into a deep psychedelic trance leading to total ego loss I was beyond anything i have seen before or since beautiful blue and green fractals spiral around the room causing me to sink deeper into the trance at a total loss for word so bewildered by the beauty of what i was seeing my mind was blown i realized i didn't know who i was, what i was or where i was the idea that i was a human being was unfathomable... it was an amazing experience i will never forget.