2700K Question...


Well-Known Member
of the humor and as you can see quality tast in the herb

But no bro, idk whyd you think that

Edit: Wait arnt the one who posted this thread? Your the 14 year old probably bro if you dont even know how to flower a marijuana plant, or a extreme virgin to the world of growing. im wasting my time, and im done.


Active Member
Yes I am new to growing pot. Is that a bad thing? I dont understand your reasoning. I thought that this was a forum for people who are new to growing bud?Also, Im sure I have children older then you.


Well-Known Member
Whatever you say man, i dont understand your hypothesis of theory that i would deviate from the rules here on riu and even scheme such a plan as signing up being so young:dunce:

good luck with your cfl grow,
you should follow my hps grow ill be sarting within the next couple days, im hoping to pull of 7-10 zips. Good luck with your .5-2 zips.


Well-Known Member
2,700k is used for flowering but you can use 2,700k for veg, I've been using 2,700k from clone to veg to flowering