
Hey Rollitup members

Recently I've got ahold of an RC called 25i-Nbome, and must I say it's pure bliss..I've always dabbed into the hallucinogenic world, grow boomers, & synthesized DMT[Check out my post]. Every single time I come out of a trip I feel new again & strive to be a better person & with each trip I feel as though my life gets better. My ACT score went from 21 to 29 after a year of shrooms every two weeknds wandering in the other dimension. But that's that.

I've dosed from 2 blotters to 5. Trips ranging from pretty colors to mind blowing OBVs from just looking at pictured on my phone haha. Ive never had acid & this shit is everything I would imagine it to be.

The thing is, I don't know what dose the blotters I'm taking contains. My friend gets it from out of town & his guy doesn't really like to conversate about it, sketch ass dealers..

I've got a relatively good chemistry background [3 years at a top engineering college] & I want to move onto my next experiment, laying 25i.

My biggest problem though is I can't find pure product. Every site is fucking backwards ass Hindu or some sketchy shit from Germany.
Keep in mind I'm doing this for research purposes & if someone can PM me a reliable source.

Thanks all.


Well-Known Member
Lemme get this straight, you want help finding a connection so you can resell NBOMes?
would you even tell people it was an NBOMe and not LSD?


Well-Known Member
would you even tell people it was an NBOMe and not LSD?
I doubt it; Its hard enough trying to convince people who are ignorant on the subject of RC's/chemistry that 2ci isn't a horrible dangerous science experiment.. "N-benzyl- whaa? Is that the new Mercedes model?"


Well-Known Member
Hey Rollitup members

Recently I've got ahold of an RC called 25i-Nbome, and must I say it's pure bliss..I've always dabbed into the hallucinogenic world, grow boomers, & synthesized DMT[Check out my post]. Every single time I come out of a trip I feel new again & strive to be a better person & with each trip I feel as though my life gets better. My ACT score went from 21 to 29 after a year of shrooms every two weeknds wandering in the other dimension. But that's that.

I've dosed from 2 blotters to 5. Trips ranging from pretty colors to mind blowing OBVs from just looking at pictured on my phone haha. Ive never had acid & this shit is everything I would imagine it to be.

The thing is, I don't know what dose the blotters I'm taking contains. My friend gets it from out of town & his guy doesn't really like to conversate about it, sketch ass dealers..

I've got a relatively good chemistry background [3 years at a top engineering college] & I want to move onto my next experiment, laying 25i.

My biggest problem though is I can't find pure product. Every site is fucking backwards ass Hindu or some sketchy shit from Germany.
Keep in mind I'm doing this for research purposes & if someone can PM me a reliable source.

Thanks all.
I like how you relate 25i to illegal psychoactive substances and than mention how you've consumed both for recreational purposes. An then finish it off with "Keep in mind I'm doing this for research purposes". Also what DMT post a you referring people to when your only two posts on this website are in this thread...:confused:


Well-Known Member
If I were to lay them I would do 1mg per square.
If you're complexing them with hpbcd then 400mics per seems common.
No one can pm you with only 2 posts because you dont even have enough posts to use them pm system.
Congratulations on your test scores though.


Active Member
Asking for sources on public forums attracts the attention of law enforcement and can get the forum shut down, so please don't do that.
Lemme get this straight, you want help finding a connection so you can resell NBOMes?
would you even tell people it was an NBOMe and not LSD?
I don't know where you got the idea I'm selling anything, fuck that. That's asking to get caught by pigs.
The only people testing it would be myself & friends who have previous experience with it & have done the same amount of research I have.
I like how you relate 25i to illegal psychoactive substances and than mention how you've consumed both for recreational purposes. An then finish it off with "Keep in mind I'm doing this for research purposes". Also what DMT post a you referring people to when your only two posts on this website are in this thread...:confused:
I guess it got deleted? But we synthesized about 5gs of this.


Well-Known Member
What a waste of precursors that could have been used to make tryptamines that don't occur naturally in numberous plants.
Do you mean to say extracted it from natural plant material??
Shits like you deter people from this site, I came here looking for help & to continue research but instead I get people like this. I'm sure you know what I meant but instead you act like this. Shame. Guess I'll continue my work else where. I like shroomery more anyways, less kids because they can't grab their mothers credit card & register.


Well-Known Member
Ont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
You don't go to the trouble of laying blotter for a few doses with friends. That's what liquid is for.
Ont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
You don't go to the trouble of laying blotter for a few doses with friends. That's what liquid is for.
From my understanding laying it only requires everclear so fuck you argument kindly sir. Found my source from shroomery anyways bitch


Well-Known Member
It's not difficult, but you don't do it for less than a sheet. And usually several sheets to ensure you get a reasonably homogenous product.
Thats great you found a source. Now why don't you go fuck a cactus.