250w ventilation question


Active Member
If your talking about the duct booster I heard they dont give as much cfm as they say and the inlines are expensive but Im now thinking of just getting a 6in valueline inline for $93


Well-Known Member
I use that fan to cool my 400 watter so it should be more than enough to cool a 250. But Ur right, it is the duct booster ur thinkin of, and no they don't put out as much as they say. They pulled a sly one on that fan, advertising it as a 250cfm but it's REALLY 160cfm unless used with a 'booster' fan, THEN u get the 250. and ya those high power inlines from htg are spendy too. How much cfm is this valueline ur talkin about? Got a link for it?


Well-Known Member
The 6in inline duct booster fans the one I'm usin, the one they say is 250cfm but is really 160cfm from htg, but I also have another 'booster' fan as well helping pull air out of the hood. Right now the tops of my plants are 6in. away from the glass on the hood.


Well-Known Member
The one in the second link is better than the first imo. I tried gettin a link to the one on htg but i can't get on their page for some reason tonight.


Active Member
the 2nd fan is the same duct booster? are you using a cooltube or the euro reflector? I guess one of those duct boosters might do the trck