250 cfl Watts Enough?


i got 6 plants on there 5th week of veg biggest one is about 10in tall. I want to know if 250w CFL (actual watts) enough to run 6 plants under in my DR 80 grow tent? my temp averages from 75-80F during lights on (18/6) humidy is steady at 50%


Active Member
That's not small at all. You gotta figure once you flower them they can double or even triple in height. So then you're looking at possibly almost 3 feet tall plants. How much room you got in that tent? You have to account for your lights at the top and at least a few inches between them and the top colas. I've seen people grow 12 plants under 250w cfls and come out pretty good at harvest time. You won't get huge buds but you'll get a lot of buds so it's a trade off. The buds won't be incredibly compact either. They'll be fluffy. It's still smoke though. Besides, you might end up with 3 or 4 males, and then you're down to 3 plants. I think you'll be fine, and over time you can add more cfls if needed. If you're on a budget, I wouldn't worry too much about HID lights.


Active Member
Def not enough if u ask me add a few more lights around the plants and then u should be ok...HPS if ya can only a 150w would do huge things for ya with ur cfls