24hr VEGGING??


Well-Known Member
Part of my reason for doing seedlings in 24 hr, is the lack of a timer. I figured people veg in 24/0, if I dont have a timer, thats the least stressful schedule for the plants. I have one for the veg light, and one for the flower light though.


I grew under 24 for many years...
If you keep a mother for more than a few years it really take a toll on her.
If you are just growing seeds and flowering then it is fine... supposedly you get more males.
Plants barely kick in to flowering quicker... but I believe they do just a little bit when going from 24/0 to 12/12.

So, if it tells you anything, I grew 24/0 for years and am no longer doing it..

what is your recipe!!????


Active Member
I have always grown over 24hrs and a new friend is against it , is it better to let the lafdies sleep for a few hrs ?
marijuana plants do not need rest. they're not animals. i've done both and it seems to me 24 hours was faster. but it seemed like they also stretched more in flower. however i do 18/6 because i like to keep my electric bill and stretching probably due to stress to a minimum. someday im gonna do a side by side with a batch of clones. i could be wrong though, other factors could have gave me faster results at 24/7. fact is plants do not need sleep(at least in veg), at least pot plants dont. however, it is very possible that plants benefit from rest. i've read different things from different sources as far as what is faster and better. the grow bible is just a single source and a good one. but im always going to question anything no matter the source.i never seen anyone yet do a side by side controller experiment and repeat it several times. i dont think anyone can really say for sure, both ways work. i would play it safe and save money with 18/6. realistically, you could grow a pot plant with 24/7 lighting, never a moment of darkness, and it will live for many years as long as conditions are proper. pot NEEDING sleep is a myth. although imo it's better with sleep.


Well-Known Member
I have tried both 18/6 and 24/7. In my opinion the plants that were grown with a light cycle of 18/6 grew at a steady rate no stretching and were all around more stable plants and really full of growth. The plants i grew with a cycle of 24/7 semmed to be more of a hassle due to stretching. I seen a big difference in growth issues. I had to work harder to maintain my plants at this cycle compared to the 18/6. Both work well just seems like the plants that got a little bit of sleep were easier to maintain rather than the ones grown 24/7. Both work so its gonna be a prefrence thing. imo


Well-Known Member
I also look at it this way plants need their sleep if not we would not get those lovley buds we all live so much think about that one


Well-Known Member
I do 24/0. I do this to stack my branches tight & close. So close I can get 8-10 main thick braches within 3 inches of gowth or less...the side branching to some of the main branches start so close that they end up growing into the main stalk as if it was a main branch.

I sometimes top but in either case the sides all fight to be 1st & eventually over throws the main which is in some cases bent & woven under my screen.

I have pics of my last grow like this & I even switched to 18/6 after getting the amount of main branches so the difference can be seen in the amount of spacing with the diff light cycles.


Well-Known Member
Still can't figure how to upload pics with my phone, only my avatar & profile for some reason so I put up a shot in my avitar.


Well-Known Member
I also look at it this way plants need their sleep if not we would not get those lovley buds we all live so much think about that one
What the hell are you talking about? Plants don't bud because they sleep. They bud because they are trying to reproduce. FYI people often run 24/0 to keep stretch down smart guy.


Well-Known Member
I've tried all the different light cycles and find 24/7 lights to get the most growth. Minimal stretching and the rootball is huge. They can rest in flower.