2400w Flower Room Question

I found a thread about it before, but now I can't find it. This guy had set up 2 1k lights and was alternating power to them hourly. So 7am light 1 comes on, 8am light 1 goes off and 2 comes on. 9am 2 off and 1 on, etc.

Forgot if he had good or bad results.

Has anyone had experience with something like this? I have a 400w dual spec that I would leave on and place in the middle. I can't see it being too much different than what a light mover does, but maybe I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
Never heard of such a thing, have no idea what benefit could be derived from that. I do know that the power company would like to keep him as a customer. Turning lights on and off creates power surges which can be mapped by cops if they wanted to. If he was trying to emulate the sun tracking across the sky, there are better ways to do that.
Well the benefit is covering 2 1000 watt areas using the same amount of power as it would take to cover half the area.

My example is my area is about 5x11. Right now, I only have 1000w going on half of the area. I have the other lights but waiting for my electrician buddy to tap into my apartment wiring and upgrade me to safely run em all at once. Another benefit is I wouldn't need him to do that, I could already do it safely.

So if I tried it, I would have 1000's on the outside alternating and the 400 on the inside on constantly.

Another benefit I could see is not having to cool all 3 lights at once which would get difficult at the least and costly more than likely.

Not trying to argue with you, I'm just trying to explain myself here so you see my reasoning. I guess my main thing would be not having to cool all the lights at once. It would almost be like a light mover, and I would save on power for lights and cooling overall.


I do something similar in my 3800w room. I have one 1000w hps on the full 12hrs. I have two hoods on each side, each one on for 3hrs then off, alternately. I have each pair of hoods hooked to one ballast, connected to a flipbox. The flip box is a relay that moves the power from one hood to the other. This setup essentially functions as a light mover, spreading the light to a larger area.


Another possibility, a thing i did years ago, is split your room in two. Have one side run for 12hr and the other side on the other 12. I quit this setup tho because i found myself having to go into my room twice a day. One advantage of doing this with a flipbox is; you can double your power output of each ballast. Each ballast is on for 24 hrs, switching between each room every 12.
That sounds like a really interesting setup. I have thought about splitting the room but like you said, I'd rather only have to do the routine once a day lol.

So how are your results yield wise? Do you have any pictures of this setup?


Surprisingly i havent really noticed a difference in yield between the lights being on all the time and cycling on and off. I'll get some pics when i get home.


Well-Known Member
The plants need as much light as you can give them, so the problem I see is you are effectively giving each section only 6 hours of full direct light per day plus the 400 in the middle which is on for the whole 12 hours. This has to limit growth, bud size etc., but if you have to do it, so be it.
I don't have to do it at all, it was just a thought. I definitely see what your saying. I just can't help but feel like it would create the same effect as a light mover.