24 hr veg showing signs of sex


I have 5 plants vegging under 8 23 watt 5000 bulbs and 4 4ft t8s. about 75 to 85 degrees, with co2 all organic in clean potting soil, being fed a water wormcasting stew. my question is one of my five are showing white hairs I know this is a female, but these seeds are just bagseeds nothing femmed. They were started from seed on nov 8. I lstd this specific plant and cut the sun leaves. 3 of them I planned on flowering next week, should I be concerned? This site has been very helpful and I look forward to any comments


Well-Known Member
you know its female . the others need more time to sex. I have one that's 1 foot tall still did not sex


Well-Known Member
plants will show signs of sex in veg stage if vegged long enough, they dont start flowering but will pop a set of pistols or pollen sacs on each node...


Well-Known Member
just the plant showing maturity. the other ones will get to this stage as well if you veg longer.


Well-Known Member
Some shows sex early in Veg due to age or genetics.
Situation normal...enjoy the fact it's not a male.


thanks guys I do enjoy the fact its a female;-)Just have to make room in my flowering room! I also have 2 pineapple chunks going from seed and a northern lights skunk from herbies 2nd week . I have two bagseed flowering now trying for a perpetual harvest 1 is 5 weeks in flowering the other one is 1 week in. Feed those 2 big bud but heard about a banana tea I want to use on all the others, any suggestions on a mild natural veg/flowering booster? Thanks again for the guick responses